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Posts posted by Quanstan

  1. 1 hour ago, Portugal25 said:

    @Quanstan you hairloss is progressing and will continue evolving unless you start taking Finasteride every other day. Doctors focused of getting you the best possible outcome will probably ask you to be on Finasteride 6 months prior to surgery. 

    You should be looking at upwards 4000 grafts to rebuild your frontal hairline along with the midscalp and part of the crown.

    It’s great that you have become aware of the Turkish Hairmills and will hopefully stay clear of the world capital of botched HT that is Turkey. 

    Why have you gone from 16k clinic in the US to considering a low cost Doctor in Turkey?

    I highly advise to invest more in your surgery and book a Doctor doing the whole surgery with real patients posting consistent great results at HRN (and other foruns).

    Dr. Ximena Villa, Dr. Bruno Pinto and Dr. Bruno Ferreira are in my opinion the best for the price they charge. 

    Take a look at my table explaining the difference in prices / technique and Doctor involvement in the surgery:

    Wish you all the best with surgery.



    Clinicana was one of the first places that caught my eye and my initial excitement with the price difference got the better of me, glad I found this forum! I have no qualms spending more for better quality care. Thank you very much for the doctor suggestions and extremely informative table! That will definitely help in my search.

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  2. Hi everyone,

    I'm looking into hair transplant surgery. I am 32 years old, live on the east coast of USA. Hair started thinning about 6-7 years ago. I think i'm about IV-V on the Norwood scale. Hairline has receded and i have fairly significant loss on my vertex. I've briefly used some topical treatments on my head but couldn't stand how greasy it made my hair. After contacting a clinic in Texas and learning that for 3500 grafts it would be $16,000 i was discouraged because i can't afford that.  I have been in contact with Clinicana in Istanbul and was very attracted to how economical it was and the good results that appeared to come out of their clinic. The rep there was extremely quick in responding and kindly answered a lot of my questions as well. After doing some additional research on this forum though i'm pumping the brakes a bit as Clinicana seems to be in the 'hairmill' category.  I am trying to contact Dr. Demisroy to see if that is a good option. After looking at my pics, what do you think are some good options for me? Thanks in advance for your help! 





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