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Posts posted by actuarialbadger

  1. Hi All,

    I'm a 27M and really struggling with my hair loss lately and wanted to get some advice.

    I've been on fin and min for just over 11 months, and my hair appears to be the same (perhaps even worse).  The pic of myself in the green sweater is December 2020, 3 months into fin/min, and the other pic in black is September 2021. I shaved it down to see progress and was really put down to see that it has not improved at all.  Hard to say it's gotten worse since lighting is different and current hair is shorter, so perhaps just maintained.

    I have a hair transplant scheduled with  HLC in November, but I'm worried that hair loss is progressing and I won't get good results from a transplant. I don't find too many cases online of non-responders to fin, which is why I think I'm probably just maintaining... Also, I would note my donor area does seem totally fine, so I'm hopeful available hairs for transplant is not an issue.

    Just looking for advice/suggestions on what you think I should do.  While I want great hair dearly, I don't want the surrounding non-transplanted hair to die out and my hair to look horrid.  Appreciate any help.


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