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Posts posted by Adamleland

  1. I want to get Transplants. I am a Norwood 5B/6 with a tuft of hair at the front of the hairline. What I simply want to do is fill behind there, fill one-third of my hairline, and not see the pink I see oftentimes on after photos of people that have had hair transplant procedures. Fears are...

    Results will be detectable

    The redness I see in after photos

    The hair will still be at the point where people think and say "Why does he just shave it off?

    And that I won't be able to shave it off (because of scarring) if I need to reverse course after surgery due to bad results. 


    I went to see Dr. Sean Bhhnam, who gave me a flat no. Said a lot of my follicles had 1 or 2 hairs instead of 3 or 4, and I did not have enough strong donor area.

    Went to see Dr. Lam. He told me I am a hard "maybe" and that we could get some hair if my expectations were low. 

    Going to try one more doctor. Dr. Yaker of Plano, Texas. Who only does hair transplants? If he tells me no, I think I need to really consider shaving. 

    Questions are-

    Any feedback on Dr. Yaker?

    Am I out of line to have the expectation of no "red or redness on my scalp" after treatment. I see it a lot on hairlines. 

    Can you get hair without creating a hairline? It seems hairlines are what really become detectable. So just filling in behind "tuft" 



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  2. I went on a consultation and upon my continual education on the process I was told the technician (if really good) can be more important and has more skills than the doctor. One example used was a technician by the name of Michael Barge. Is this to be believed that if I go to the best technician that's as good as going to to best doctor?  

  3. On 1/5/2021 at 3:04 PM, Mycroft said:

    I started oral minoxidil about two months ago at 5 mg daily. The highest dose I've seen studied is 10mg daily but that is only in one study. Most doctors look at 5mg as the high end. Too early to gauge the response of my hair just yet, but no discernable side effects on this dose. I've been monitoring heartrate and BP and have found no change outside of normal variances. No sign of hypertrichosis. I'm expecting to see some sort of visual improvement by six months if one is to happen at all, and if I show signs of a positive response I will gauge full results around 12 and 24 months.

    Of note: I have not discontinued topical in order to reduce variables, so technically the scalp itself is being hit with a slightly higher dose of minoxidil.

    Oral minoxidil has a much better response percentage than topical, but it is worth noting that this response and statistical improvement in hair doesn't necessarily equate to cosmetically significant improvement. I've had a decent response to non surgical treatments thus far, so we will see.


  4. 12 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I don’t see anything wrong with paying for a consultation if a service is provided. For example, a donor examination microscopically. 

    Are there any doctors anywhere else in the world who will see you for free? Even if you have an illness they require payment, this is a cosmetic procedure, so of course they deserve to have their time compensated.


  5. i called to get a consultation. The charge was $250. Does this seem okay? I guess the answer is "it depends" but I do think it's kind of steep. If it were Hasson and Wong perhaps I would say okay. But I was curious if I should just pay this? 

    I just went to doctor Dr. Sean Behnam and he gave me a free consultation. But said (respectfully) he was concerned about my donor hair on the sides being good enough to give a decent result. 

    I was seeking second opinion and was told Dr. Lam was a good choice in Dallas. 

  6. I went for consultation with Dr. Behnam. He mentioned I was not a good candidate due to my sides not being a great donor candidate. Right now they are fine, but when put under a microscope in person. He saw a lot of one and two hairs per graft and some he saw none. He felt that my hair was thinning on the sides too much for me to have a positive result as I am a norwood 6. He estimated I might have 1,000 good grafts. 

    Really was just looking to go behind my existing tuft of hair up front and just fill in the back. 

    I was thinking of getting a second opinion from Dr. Lam but read (on here) some not so good reviews (although there were from 2011) 

    Any feedback on him? Or anyone is Dallas? Or anyone that is really good with limited donor areas? 



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  7. Thank you Dr Rahal I am a bit disappointed (to put it mildly) he just took the microscope and I could see my hairs on the side. Most had two or on graft coming out. Some had zero. But it looks okay from a distance. I think based on this he just ruled me out. It was doctor Shaun Behnam and he was very kind about it. 

  8. I did in person consultation. He put a microscope on my head and showed that my hairs grafts had like one and two hairs and saw some with none which gave him concern that they would fall out or not give density I need. My back was okay. Maybe 1,000 good candidates. He said to take rogain or minoxidil and see if it strengthens the sides. 

  9. I did in person consultation. He put a microscope on my head and showed that my hairs grafts had like one and two hairs and saw some with none which gave him concern that they would fall out or not give density I need. My back was okay. Maybe 1,000 good candidates. He said to take rogain or minoxidil and see if it strengthens the sides. 

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