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Posts posted by Dreamer

  1. Hello,


    I am from India and have undergone second hair transplant for crown area 2 days ago with Dr. Pathomvanich in Thailand. I will publish my report later on this forum. I am travelling to San Francisco for some work after 3 days of surgery.


    There are few retention nylon stitches which needs to be removed after 5-6 days and since I can't stay back, doctor has given me letter with explanation of which stitches should be removed etc. Now I need all your help to find low cost clinic/doctor in San Francisco who will just remove those few stitches on 5-6 day in SFO. I don't need any consultation or medication etc from this clinic/doctor, just removing these stitches is needed.


    Since medical expenses in US are high and considering my earning is in Indian Rupees, Can anyone suggest low cost clinic/doctor/nurse who will cut these stitches as explained by doctor?


    I have seen this procedure last time, when I stayed here in Thailand till stitches were removed, it is 2-3 minutes job, unfortunately this time it is not possible for me to stay longer.


    Please help.


    Thanks & Regards,



  2. Hi,


    Sorry for delay in reply. Yes, I had FUT with a TRICHOPHYTIC closure. After going through forum for me FUT was perefectly fine.


    My scar has heeled really well and it is difficult to find now. I will take few snaps and update on my blog on either coming Sunday or next weekend.


    Except first 15 days after surgery when there is slight swelling due to cut and stiching creats bump, no one has noticed anything unusual with my Donor area/scar.


    I think atleast in my case scar will be only visible when I shave my head completely which is anyway highly unlikey for me icon_smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by wb280:

    hey hi, i reside in S'pore and has been considering a HT for ages.


    Was very interested in Dr P, from Bangkok so would like to ask u on some advice!


    I heard that u have to book him in advance a couple months. is that true? I mean, u flew purposely from India to find him, i suppose after the 1st consultation, u decided to go ahead?




    Hi wb280,


    Yes, I took an appointment for my surgery 2.5 months in advance. I exchanges few mails and my snaps before that however I met him first time on my surgery day.

  4. Hi Guys,


    Now since I have completed 3 months after HT, I have updated my snaps on my weblog.


    I am happy with the results so far, now I am also regular with Minoxidil and Finasteride. I can see effects of these medicine in crown area when I compare snaps of Pre HT and now, as crown was not touched in HT.


    My grafts were fallen after 1 month, after 2 months my hair growth started and now after 3 months it is pretty visible icon_smile.gif


    My wife and parents are very happy to see this result icon_smile.gif





  5. Hi Pink,


    I stayed in Bangkok till 6th day, got stitches removed and then returned. I suggest you atleast stay for 48 hours after surgery, doctor also does follow up and then start your return journey if you wish to and get stitches removed from any doctor in India on 6-7 day.


    I stayed in IBIS Hotel near BTS (sky train station), try to stay closer to BTS so that you can reach clinic comfortably, in my case after surgery, I have visisted clinic 3 times. However after surgery take taxi and reach hotel comfortably.


    For better hotel deals go through Agoda, I got free wifi access (which was important to me) and this was only available through them and not through hotel site.


    After checkup, they will tell you how many grafts you will require, as per your budget you can decide the limit, no of grafts and deposit money in their a/c on gr flr bank in same building. If they get lesser grafts than your limit then they will return balance amount if they get more grafts then your limit, they won't charge you for those extra few grafts. As initially no one predict the exact amount of graft your donor area can supply.


    Refer x-rates for arriving approx cost in Rs.


    When you have planned surgery? I wish you all the best for your surgery.

  6. Thanks Tushar.


    I am not aware of your Age, level of hair loss so only thing I can suggest is, please don't directly jump for HT. First try to stabilize your hairloss by Medicines, give enough time for research, go though forum, feedbacks, Q&A sections understand what option is best suitable for you and then go for it.


    To my observation Pricing calculation is tricky in India, as per my information several HT surgeons in India charge around 70-75 rupees per graft some quote similar thing in follicle, if you ask about exact count? They will say trust your doctor, no information is given about how many grafts with 1-4 hairs.

  7. Hello Guys,


    I am doing my bit to contribute to this forum which has given me so much.


    After meeting few doctors, extensive research, feedback and savings, finally I got my HT done from Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich of Bangkok on 16th April 2009. Total 3800 grafts (8192 hairs)


    Please go through my blog for the experience and few pictures of before and after surgery. I am happy with the overall experience so far.


    To tell my fellow Indians, why and how I chose Dr. Path? Although regular reader of this forum for past 2.5 - 3 years, I never asked any questions before because all my questions were already answered here to someone else queries.


    Well, first it was around 2.5 - 3 years ago I saw a TV program covering HT. After that I started my research over net and at that time there were only 2 doctors were part of ISHRS list from Mumbai (6 from India) Dr. R and Dr. D. Now there are several. Later I learned about coalition of surgeons here.


    First I met Dr R, also took his cyclical medicines which are Minoxidil and Propecia and few vitamins which worked on my to some extent however few things I could note with him is that level of transparency, avoiding references saying I value privacy, arrogance in this case denying growing importance of such sites for educating hairloss to the people, saying that all is crap over there etc. or accepting fact that hair loss patients are so well informed with this knowledgebase. Later on anyway I read more about him on this forum not to mention here what it was.


    Second Dr D, more of cosmetic and less HT expert at that time, he avoided or gave ambiguous answers to my several questions.


    2000 grafts (Around 1,20,000 Rupees)was the calculation for my HT (there is not much of difference in my baldness in last 2-3 years) and looking at other reports I knew that it will not be sufficient to my bald cover. I decided to postpone my HT till I find right surgeon.


    On this forum I could see the transparency, accountability, knowledge sharing, feedback sharing, recommendation of doctors and it's process etc. however for an Indian (at least me) getting HT done from surgeon in US/Europe was out of scope for economical reason, so only two Asians options left.


    I wanted to be in experienced, safe hands as my bald cover going to cost me bomb so it's a huge investment and again donor areas are limited. So no option of trial and error, I have to take my call after evaluating all options. I narrowed down on Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich of Bangkok, none of the Indian doctors at least I couldn't find at his level in terms of experience, work and recommendation. In terms of finance for 3500-3800 grafts he could be costlier by one lakh over Indian Dr's, however for the reasons mentioned above I chose him and I happy with extra money spent.


    I will keep my progress updated on my Blog.


    Bye for now.

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