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Posts posted by AJBlues

  1. Hi,

    I'm a new member here. I'm currently located in the SF bay area.

    Over the last year, I have started noticing thinning and receding hair line at a pretty fast clip. I don't have any family history of hair loss. I started using minoxidil about 3-3.5 months ago and Propecia about 2.5-3months ago on a daily basis. Seemingly paradoxically, the hair loss in the front seems to have only increased in the last couple of months.  

    Admittedly, the rapid rate of hair loss has really worried me and I have started looking at hair transplant options. I would really like to get an in-person consultation to get a clear idea of my current and future options. However, I'm finding it hard to get appointments in the near future. 

    Dr. Diep who seems highly recommended on this forum -- his next availability is in November. 

    Dr. Gujrati's next availability is in late October. 

    Dr. Wasserbauer doesn't really do direct consultation. Her staff do phone consultation based on pictures and then recommend procedures. 

    So far, I have only succeeded in a virtual appointment with Dr. Rosanelli, but it wasn't satisfactory -- he very quickly suggested correction of frontal hairline via FUT procedure, but more or less dismissed my questions regarding thinness (and possible need of future procedures, etc) 

    Is this expected? Should I re-align my expectations regarding the timelines of consultation appointments and HT procedures? 

    Thank you for your help!


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