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Posts posted by Luca456

  1. Hey guys.. Now it is 4 Months after my HT in Germany and im so worried about the result.. It is still red in the transplanted area and you just can see a few more hairs.. Has anyone expierienced something like my journey already or can give me his honest opinion about it?.. 


    Thank you very much.. 



  2. 11 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    Ok so we can at least see where the things were implanted. Sort of looks like you had grafts placed in amongst native hair to reinforce what was already there? Hard to say without better pre & immediate post op photos. But at 3.5 months things look roughly where you'd expect. You could have had a little shock loss to native hairs if you've had hairs transplanted among them which might give the false impression that things aren't progressing but if that's the case, the shock loss will recover with a little more time. I wouldn't worry too much yet!

    thank you for the reply so i get it right that there should be already more growth? the transplanted hairs was just around the existing hairs :) 

  3. 21 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    The work looks fine ! Give it another month or so and you will see the real growth begin. Thanks for posting the additional pics 🙏

    thank you for the reply i need some hope :D im just a little bit afraid that a lot of the grafts died and that only the ones who are visuable now will start to grow.. :( 

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  4. On 7/23/2021 at 11:44 AM, Berba11 said:

    There's virtually no hair loss here. I'm pretty surprised that a clinic would accept you as a patient at your age and with such incredibly minor loss. I'm also not sure why you thought you needed a HT at all? 

    You said you had 2,300 grafts? Are you sure that's the right number? Would need to see your immediate post-op photos but you don't have 2,300 grafts worth of hair loss so I'm struggling to see where on earth so many grafts could even be placed. You need to provide the full range of photos including the ones the clinic would have taken before and after the op.


    i uploaded the pictures i took and i will ask the clinc of their pictures on monday so that i can send you 

  5. Hey guys, 


    my name is Luca and im 22 years old.. 

    Round about 3 1/2 months ago i had my first hairtransplantation with 2.300 grafts and the FUE method.. Now im really afraid that a lot of the grafts died because i smoked before and after the transplantation.. I just couldnt stop it and some people said that it is not necessary to stop.. If you zoome inside the picture you see that some hairs are already growing but that are just a few… On Youtube the people already got much more of the  hairs than me.. 

    Pls give me your opinion about it guys.. :(





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