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Posts posted by HTr

  1. Thank you for you reply! I’m thinking of going to the dermatologist as well, but the appointments are all booked up for now. Yes I am turning 22 soon. I noticed this pattern at 20 yo. Luckily, it haven’t gone worse since, but the hair falls still persisting. In terms of Finasteride and Minoxidil, i learned that some doctors won’t prescribe you these unless you have a history of baldness in your family. Does you mom side has anyone has history of hair loss?

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  2. I notice my hairline became different about two years ago. The hair on my temples was thinning and went higher than it used to be.  My parents has confirmed that no one in their family had a history of recession. They all have healthy hair. My hair on the top of my head is still thick and full compared to the ones on my temples. I’ve been going in to cycles of concerns when I see my hair falls out so easily when I gently runs my fingers through my hair. I tried looking it up and I learned that it might be my mature hairline. But it doesn’t justify the excessive hair falls. I have tried switching shampoo, and shampooing three times a week instead of every day, but it didn’t  seem to do much.

    Some websites preferred to telogen effluvium, iron deficiency, hormonal imbalances. I hope my case falls into one of these categories because they are all reversible with diets, supplements and stress removal. Please help me identify what this is. I have been insecure about my hairline for the past year. I hope my temples will stop thinning/recessing, or even better, grow back some hair.


    Thank you in advance for all your support.




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