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Posts posted by unfortunateHT

  1. Sorry for the late update.


    Got my FUE done on July 9th - 250 grafts, it was a cakewalk for me after two rounds of strip HTs. Dr.Feller used all of it on the right half of the receded hair line which is behind my first HT recipient area. I have updated the gallery with my FUE Pics.


    To answer the questions:

    1) GQ and others,

    I agree with Dr.Feller on weighted hair transplant because of limited resource and at the same time he has taken all measures to get a natural look when the hair grows in HT-2 area.

    2) Speegs,

    Dr.Feller has given exact same advise to cover frontal third part first , so far all of my HT hair went to frontal third part (2000 + 1400 + 250) = 3650 grafts.

    3) GQ,

    reg non-optimal growth from my first HT, I am not sure what went wrong. I hope this doesn't repeat for my 2nd strip Surg and FUE



    PRP experience:

    As I said before I got my PRP injection on May 26th, not sure how much this is going to help but I had minor pain in PRP injected area for almost a month. I wanted to give it a shot as I heard that there are no side effects.


    I am also using Rogaine and 1/4th tablet of finasteride daily. If there is any improvement in my hair growth I will not be sure if PRP is helping or the combination of Rogaine and finsteridine.


    4 months post second HT / 2 months post FUE:

    I have Uploaded few pics, quality is not that great. I tried taking pics with both of my digi cams out of which these are the ones relatively best. I should get an SLR soon.

    I can see front left side is bit more dense than right but you will the difference is not obvious when you first look at it. FUE grafts are yet to grow as its been only 2 months and that is where you can see a patch in the middle.


    To my surprise i have seen one downside after strip-2, I observed that my hair density below scar reduced considerably. I wish this is only shock loss but its been 4 months and i don't see any significant recovery yet. It is little strange now that the scar is not visible but hair below the scar has become so thin that I can see the scalp 1/2 inch below scar. I have upload few pics too regarding this.


    Yet to meet Dr.Feller, I am traveling lot these days and couldn't schedule appointment but will do it soon to get a better understanding.


    I think I need to wait for at least 2 more months to see results.

  2. Sorry for the delay guys, I had my second surgery on May 15th everything went smooth but not as excepted. As my scalp at donor area was tight Dr.Feller could extract only 1400 grafts and not 2000+ grafts that we have targeted earlier. As there were less grafts obtained from strip, Dr.Feller had dealt it tactfully and filled all 1400 grafts in left half as i usually comb from left to right. I will be filling in around 600+ grafts in the right half in two FUE sessions in near future.


    Updated surgery day pics in gallery, after surgery pics are not that clear because of those white little things on grafts. I got my staples removed on 26th May and also got a PRP injection on same day.


    I will keep you updated with monthly progress and about my FUE sessions.


    Opinions, comments and suggestions always welcome.

  3. I had an appointment with Dr.Feller yesterday. He did evaluate the case, went over some old notes - things like why did we go with 2000+grafts and not more, need for second HT which was forecasted but not this early mainly bcoz of my hair loss which was not expected to be this severe post HT and added to that less than expected yield. He also expressed his interest to fix it and advised me on what needs to be done in case if I don't want to go with him for my second HT.


    It is quiet obvious that it needs to be fixed ASAP. I have decided to go with Dr.Feller for my second HT, will be booking my surgery date sometime in May.


    Thanks all for your valuable opinions which made me decide where to go. I know all the members, including myself and Dr.Feller are waiting to see this fixed. I will keep you posted about my second HT procedure and progress.

  4. lots said on this post....hmmm


    Reverse the curse,


    please read the reasons why i have posted this before meeting Dr.Feller after my 7th month visit.


    I wanted to hear more of opinions from people in this forum, his patients, ppl who has experienced cases similar to me. That gives me more confidence than the confidence a doctor can give me in a visit and I heard many positive voices about Dr.Feller after this.


    I have posted this in true spirit not to play blame game. I wish everyone can understand this.


    As Bill said "Though all genuine opinions are welcome, we expect them to be constructive and not wrongfully destructive."


    I request everyone to be constructive.


    As many suggested, I will talk to Dr.Feller and discuss what can be done going forward to have good looking hair. I will keep you guys posted.



    "PLEASE STOP BLAMING" (Excluding me), you can blame me. I am OK with it icon_wink.gif

  5. Thanks all for your sincere opinion. As suggested by all I will discuss this with Dr.Feller.




    I have just hidden my name but not the surgery date, I think Dr.Feller would have got my details by now, if not also i would contact him to schedule an appointment and discuss.


    There were few reasons why I posted my results:


    1) I have seen idealistic results in this forum 100% success by all the best doctors in the discussion board. Is it true that there is not even 1% (or less than 1%) unhappy results, I am not saying worst results. I want to see more realistic results in the forum than idealistic. I want to know what happened with them and how did they resolve it. I know few who lost hope on HT and never fixed it.


    2) I have faith in HT by seeing thousands of happy patients in the forum, I want to take my case as a challenge and help patients like me to be confident and to educate them that this can be resolved. I want to make this happen.


    3) I wanted to hear from patients like me and their opinion.


    I am not saying Doctor(s) did wrong, when the fact is that results could be poor in some patients, then why I haven't seen them on this forum especially patients of renowned doctors of this forum and then getting fixed by themselves in later sessions.


    I am here to see similar cases with success at the end, i am here to fix my hairline but not to blame anyone.


    I ask everyone to think in direction of helping this to fix rather than blaming. I have faith in doctors of this forum.



    Dr Feller,


    To correct one of your statement, Dr.True did just gave the stats of density and the area covered in his opinion and he said 2000+ grafts might be justified "in low tone". He never said results are inconsistent.


    I will be more than happy to consult you in person and discuss.

  6. HT Date: 08/03/2006

    2000+ grafts



    Though this is my first post I am not new to this forum. My story goes like this...




    After doing research in this forum, I had my HT done with Dr.Feller on Aug 03 2006. I was aware of the process through

    this forum and everything went smooth with my HT session as expected. Dr.Feller said he has transplanted 2000+ grafts as

    planned in pre-op consultation. Though I wanted to bring down my front hairline, bit aggressive than want Dr.Feller has suggested,

    he convinced me why it is important for me to save the donor area for later bcoz of my family history's balding pattern (Norwood 6-7).


    I agreed with him as my priority was density always. I was 23 and Norwood 3 at the time of my first HT.


    Below are the images that Dr.Feller has taken before HT and 7 months after HT. I was not so satisfied with results esp. density.


    I will be happy to see your comments/feedback of what you guys think about these pictures. Before I had long and thick hair in the middle.






    I met few doctors recently for my second HT as my hairline receded in non HT area. Their opinion has added to my disappointment.

    They said 2000+ grafts for front hair line for Norwood 3 could have got better results.


    I met a Doctor in NJ and according to him density is around 20 grafts/ sq.cm in most areas and 25 grafts/ sq.cm in few areas and covered 70-80 sq.cm in total.

    Another doctor said it is hardly 1200 grafts.


    I have added my recent front hairline pics in closeup towards the end - 2.5yrs post HT.


    Three things that I am looking for my second HT in the order of decreasing priority


    1) Increase density in first HT area to 50-60 grafts/sq.cm


    2) Cover the receded hair line


    3) bring down my front hair line by very little (on the sides)


    Dr.True suggested for 1700-1800 grafts for 2nd HT that would fulfill my objective for a decent price tag. Though he said he cannot get

    50-60 grafts density through out my front hair line but definitely at most parts of front hair line which is important. He also said he will not touch crown, I lost few hair in the crown area too.


    After reading the forum with recent posts, I felt Dr.Rahal would be my option for second HT but the fact that I am in NJ and have

    other options nearby, currently I am in dilemma.


    Given the reputation of Dr.Feller in this forum, I was timid to express my disappointment with my HT results until my recent consultations.


    Do you guys suggest that I should meet with Dr.Feller and discuss what went wrong or may be something went wrong only with my case,

    how it can be addressed going forward. I am optimistic about him only seeing his other works in this forum but personally I am not happy with my HT.


    I am currently Norwood 5 and down the line I may go to 6/7. Given my objectives, limited resources and past experience whom should I be considering?


    Dr.True vs. Dr.Rahal vs. re-visiting Dr.Feller.


    Your opinion is much appreciated.


    I am posting this to seek advise rather than making a complain.


    *************Update on 03/26/2009*************


    Scheduled second HT on 05/15/2009 with Dr.Feller


    *************Update on 05/31/2009*************



    Sorry for the delay guys, I had my second surgery on May 15th everything went smooth but not as excepted. As my scalp at donor area was tight Dr.Feller could extract only 1400 grafts and not 2000+ grafts that we have targeted earlier. As there were less grafts obtained from strip, Dr.Feller had dealt it tactfully and filled all 1400 grafts in left half as i usually comb from left to right. I will be filling in around 600+ grafts in the right half in two FUE sessions in near future.


    These are my pics on surgery day, after surgery pics are not that clear because of those white little things on grafts. I got my staples removed on 26th May and also got a PRP injection on same day.


    I will keep you updated with monthly progress and about my FUE sessions.


    Opinions, comments and suggestions always welcome.



    *************Update on 09/16/2009*************


    Added FUE pics and 4 months post second HT


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