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Posts posted by jager

  1. Type of Procedure: FUE Hair transplant.
    Amount of grafts: 3300
    Method of Extraction: Micro-motor
    Surgeon: Dr Ozlem Bicer 
    Where: Istanbul, Turkey 

    Hello Everybody,


    After almost a year of research a consulting many many different doctors and web sources (Joe Tillman included) regarding what a hair transplant actually is and what a person should look for in a hair surgeon, I finally restricted my search to about 3 or 4 doctors.
    All of whom are members of the prestigious IAHRS group. 

    After further research and extensive consultations with all 4 clinics, I found Dr Bicer's offer to be most to my liking. Not only were her qualifications and results some of the best I have seen, but also her price was the most reasonable despite the level of service. 

    Prior to coming to Turkey, the Doctor and her team were ever ready to answer my numerous questions and offered repeatedly to let me speak via video consult with the doctor herself. 

    Finally, in January 2021, I made the trip to Istanbul, Turkey. 

    A day before my surgery, I was called in to get all the pre-op paperwork out of the way. They explained the procedure yet again and put me at easy with their friendly smiles and words. 

    I was given the post-op medication and hair care aswell. My pictures were taken for the sake of the before and after pics aswell. 
    My bloods were also taken for all the necessary tests. 

    Finally, the day of the surgery arrived. I was at the surgery by 9am. The doctor once again spoke to me and explained the procedure and repeatedly enquired if I had any more questions. 

    I have not mentioned this yet but one of the main reason for my choosing Dr. Bicer was because of her "1 client per day" rule. Ie. on the day of your surgery, you are the only patient at the clinic and all the focus and attention is on you. And this goes a long way to ensure that there are no complications etc. 

    Continuing with the rest of the day of my surgery, the nurses then shaved my hair off, a few more pics were taken to take note of the full extent of my hairloss. 
    The doctor then drew my hairline and spent a good amount of time rectifying it to suite my needs whilst advising me about what to expect and what would work and what wouldn't. 

    Once that was done, we made our way to surgery room. Just a point of note, the doctor makes it clear that during the surgery, there are 5 major parts. 
    1. Drawing of the hairline
    2. Anesthesia 
    3. Graft extraction 
    4. Opening of the slits
    5. insertion of hair into slits. 

    No1 - The doctor does 
    No2 - The anesthesia is done by a qualified nurse. but the doctor is present the entire time.
    No3 - The doctor does this part aswell.
    No4 - The opening of the slits is done by the doctor aswell. 

    The nurses then separate the extracted grafts into single, double and triple hair grafts etc. and the doctor checks on them to ensure graft quality. 

    No5 - the final stage is done by her qualified technicians.

    the doctor is not present the entire time during this part. But she does pop into the operating area every 10 or 15 mins to ensure all is going well and inspect the work. 

    Returning to my surgery, first, a drip was inserted with medication to assist against any possible allergic reaction to the anesthetic. Then the anesthetic began. I was a bit worried about this part as usually everyone who has been for a hair transplant surgery speaks about the pain of the anesthesia. I opted for the needle free option. However, it is not unlike a sugar testing machine. The machine that pricks the tip of the finger with a quick thud and you feel pain for a second or 2. 
    That's the closest way to describe it. Only its somewhat larger and the sound is louder. 
    The pain on every use is around a 4 out of 10 mostly. Some places on the head are more sensitive so the pain can reach a 6/10. but the pain lasts about a second per shot. 

    So this needle free applicator is used about 20 or 30xs per side of the head that is been dealt with. So it can last a good 15 min or so. 
    But it's very bearable. 

    Once that is done, they then use a normal injection to test where you can still feel anything , and should you feel any pain, they inject the anesthesia in and once that's done, it's painless from there till the end. 

    Then the Doctor starts the graft extraction. After that we stopped for a small break to each lunch. 
    Then the slits are made and grafts inserted. 

    All in all it takes a good 10 hours or so. 

    The doctor and her team were very professional yet friendly and made my experience extremely bereable. 

    Based on what I have experienced so far, I would recommend Dr.Bicer and her team to anyone wanting to undergo a hair transplant. 

    Let's hope the results are as amazing as expected. 

    N.B. This review has been written immediately after my surgery and is based purely on what I have experienced so far. 
    As far as the results of the surgery and whether it will be successful or not, only time will tell.



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