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Posts posted by Ollie1252

  1. Yeah while I know my hairline is receded I’m just confused because it has been at this state for quite some time now and hasn’t moved back. Is it possible to recede a bit early on then just stop because I feel like that’s happening to me and it would make sense as that’s what pretty much happened to my father. He receded a bit early on then it stopped. Regardless of what’s happening I still plan on taking rogaine and hair strengthening shampoos. 

  2. Hello all. I’m 18 years old but my hairline seems to be somewhat receded. Now I’ve always had a bit of a bad hairline as I was teased as early as 8th grade but Im sure it’s gotten slightly worse since. This is odd as male pattern baldness is completely nonexistent in my family. I mean my dad has a very mature hairline but that’s all. So I don’t understand how this is happening to me. I went to the dermatologist the other day and basically what he said is he doesn’t think anything is going on but he said if it is really bothering me then I should hop on rogaine which is what I’ve been doing. Besides my hairline I have a very solid thick head of hair.  Could this just be early maturing like my father or something worse?



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