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Posts posted by Tom12345

  1. 12 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    You don’t see a difference really? It looks fantastic man D8D389BA-0B8C-4880-9A95-A11F847A6EE1.jpeg

    Ah yes for sure I can see results from te beginning! Sorry I meant compared to month 6.

    But now I see the photos again of 6 months, I think there has been a little improvement in the last month. Hopefully it will remain. 

    I do experience some hair loss in the last couple of days/weeks. For instance when I wake up and see my pillow. Could that be normal?

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, yesplease said:

    Results are looking great! That said, since you posted this more top-down angle to demonstrate your hair loss pre-op, and you had grafts placed across the full frontal third and midscalp, would you mind posting some similar angles of the current result as well? 

    “After” photos seem to focus more so on just the hairline (which looks great!)



    Thanks for your comments! Ah yes I see what you mean. I think these photos answer your question?







    • Like 2
  3. YES! Today I celebrate my 1/2 years 🥳

    In retrospect, the process went super fast. The first 2 months are tedious, after that everything gets more fun every month. I'm very happy with the result so far and if it gets a little thicker / fuller, I'll be back on the streeta as a very happy guy.

    Here's an update:
    - Photos with wet hair (3)
    - Photo styled a bit with some oil
    - Photo from afar
    - A video where I run my hand through wet hair: https://vimeo.com/563562535


    Nat 1.jpg

    Nat 2.jpg

    Nat 3.jpg


  4. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    Many thanks for sharing Tom. You are looking great at only 5.5 months post op! Can I ask who was your surgeon and what exactly is EssenGen 6+? Thanks for sharing.

    Thank you for your compliments Gatsby.

    It was Dr. Munib Ahmad who did the surgeon. I will update the intro of this topic with his name. 

    I'm not sure if I am allowed to share an external link to the product EssenGen 6+? Is it a product of Minoxidil Max. If you Google it, it will come up. On the website is says: Essengen-6 Plus combines two FDA approved ingredients into one solution. It has 6% minoxidil and 0.05% finasteride. 

  5. First 2 months
    Unfortunately, you will not look your best during this period. Fortunately, the recovery went according to the normal pattern. After about 2 weeks a lot of hair fell out and I also had to deal with shock-loss. After 4 weeks I seemed to have less hair than before the treatment.

    After about 2 months, the existing hairs had already grown considerably. In consultation with the doctor, I carefully shaved my head with the clippers. This looked acceptable again and I had the idea that the heaviest period was over.

    EssenGen 6+
    After about 2 months, I started to use EssenGen 6+ once a day.

    WhatsApp Image 2021-01-18 at 15.20.57.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2020-12-22 at 11.29.07.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 12.01.03.jpeg

  6. Hello fellow forum members,

    On 16-12-2020 I had a FUE of 2,900 grafts in The Netherlands. I am happy to share my experience to help other members. Please note I have used the Google Translate tool. 

    • Male
    • 30 years of age
    • Started thinning around 24
    • Started balding around 27
    • Using EssenGen 6+ 2 months after the FUE
    • Sapphire FUE 2.900 grafts at FueGenix (The Netherlands) on 16-12-2020 by Dr. Munib Ahmad

    This is my situation where you can cleary see a transplant is a must.


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