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Posts posted by PelazoVenAMi

  1. Hi friends, I would just like to contribute my humble opinion in this thread dedicated to CosmeRNA.  


    A few days ago I completed 3 months of use and it seems that from the details of the photos some new hairs seem to be growing.  Specifically in the central and front part of the head, which is where I have applied it the most.  


    I will continue applying the product for 3 more months, I hope it continues to help me!





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  2. Hi friends,

    The first 3 months of using CosmeRNA have been completed.  It is early to make an assessment since I think the product needs more months of consistency, but looking at the detailed photos I sincerely believe that new hairs have appeared, I hope they can be seen in the detailed photos that I show.  In the entries you can see that there are small hairs that were not there before and in the overall photo I think that some density has been gained.

     I also include again the photo from which I come so that it is taken into account that medication and perseverance can greatly improve each person's situation.

     I hope to continue sharing my experience with CosmeRNA in the coming months.

    Greetings and I hope all go well for you.


    Before medication:




    New hairs:







  3. Hi!

    In case anyone is interested, after the first month of using CosmeRNA I have not had any type of side effects.  As I said, it is applied every two weeks. Looking forward to the 3 months to comment on how it went.


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  4. Hi team,

    Update 02/04/2024, I include CosmeRNA to my medication diet.

    You already know that I want to know how far I can go by being consistent with my routines.

    I have decided to use CosmeRNA because you only have to apply it once every two weeks, making it very easy to use.  It's topical, you apply about 6/7 pumps, you rub it in, it hasn't caused irritation or anything like that on the first application and it seems to help create thicker hair.  I attach a photo of the applicator.

    I hope that together with my usual medication plus the mesotherapy sessions I have left, this will be a turbo boost for hair creation!  🤣 I'll be updating!

    I put some photos of how I am now with some comparison of where I come from.

    A hug and follicles for everyone!  💪







  5. 2 hours ago, Sunset Dune said:

    Realmente debería considerar hacerse un trasplante de cabello, le ha ido bien con su rutina de medicación, pero los medicamentos por sí solos nunca restaurarán su densidad anterior antes de que MPB hiciera efecto. 

    Hi @Sunset Dune

    Thank you very much for your opinion, of course I respect it.  

    Logic also said that I was NW VII and that I should accept myself that way because the doctors said that I was not a suitable candidate and right now they themselves would surely want to do hair transpant on me.  

    Even going against logic and although it is not understood, I want to wait to see if there is a greater change with the remaining sessions and rest.  And after the journey, it would be foolish for me to be in a hurry now, although I am the first to want to have hair like the great surgeries I see in this forum.

    Lets keep walking! I wish you the best!

  6. 9 hours ago, duchaine said:

    Estoy siguiendo el mismo protocolo (la gente subestima el colágeno pero creo que hace una gran diferencia).

    ¿Puedes decirme cuánta biotina usas, por favor?

    Yes, I think collagen can help too, it all adds up.  I also think biotin helped me, I take 1-2 pills a day, 5 mg each pill.

  7. 32 minutes ago, duchaine said:

    Quizás me perdí algo sobre el duta tópico.

    Estás usando crema/loción duta, ¿verdad?

    ¿Qué frecuencia estás usando?

    ¿Utilizas dermarolling antes del duta tópico?

    ¿Duta está en la misma loción de minoxidil?



    No, I haven't applied topical Dutasteride in more than a year.  I stopped using it

    My current medication is:

    - Oral Dutasteride (now daily)

    - Oral and topical Minoxidil (now daily)

    - Biotin (now daily)

    - Collagen (now daily)

    - Vitamins (now I am resting)

    - Ketokonazol shampoo (1-2 times week)

    - Injected mesothepias (I have received 4 sessions to date, I have two more left)




  8. 11 minutes ago, mustang said:

    Sólo intento ayudarte, hombre. Lamento que mi aporte no te sea útil.


    You have made the same comment in quite a few threads... The way to help the community is to provide evidence, follow-ups, progress, etc. and always in a visual way.  And with this comment I would ask you not to get into any more conversation since I don't want my thread to be used for this, you are free to open one and debate about it.  

    Thanks for understanding.

  9. Just now, mustang said:

    No puedo. No participan en foros y probablemente no les gustaría que publique sus fotos.

    In that case, experiences without proof for me do not contribute anything.


  10. 26 minutes ago, mustang said:

    I have, quite a few.

    I am glad Mesotherapy is working for you!!


    Thank you.

    I'm glad you have quite a few!  maybe you should share them in another thread!


  11. 6 hours ago, mustang said:

    Realmente creo que un antiandrógeno tópico como CB0301 al 1% o 17-Alfa Estradiol al 0,025% es lo que le falta a su protocolo para pasar a la siguiente etapa.

    No necesita más Dutasterida. Tomarlo por vía oral hace que sus niveles de DHT probablemente sean casi nulos, por lo que la mesoterapia, aunque es muy beneficiosa para quienes toman Finasteride o no toman ningún medicamento, hace poca diferencia si su DHT ya está suprimido a esos niveles.

    Es la testosterona lo que impide una mayor recuperación, su DHT y minoxidil están cubiertos.

    El 17-Alfa Estradiol aromatizará gran parte de la testosterona libre del cuero cabelludo (que debe ser alta ya que la DHT está bloqueada), esto es particularmente efectivo en la línea del cabello. El estradiol también espesa el cabello.

    No tiene efectos feminizantes (no es Beta Estradiol)

    I'm sorry, but I have not seen any case that has used this medication and that has provided images to corroborate its effect and progress achieved.  

    It is clear that mesotherapy has greatly improved my condition, you just have to look at the images of my crown.  This is a fact and has been proven.  

    Anyway, this thread is to provide my experience, not to debate medications.



  12. 8 hours ago, Maistro said:

    @PelazoVenAMi are your really sure in the injection is also minoxidil? can you ask what exactly is in it, incl. vitamins etc. to get a complete list :)

    also what is the injection depth?

    have you ever considered stoping DUT orally? What do you think has caused the significant hair improvement -> only when you started with the mesotherapy or also DUT orally alone or mainly DUT orally?


    many thanks





    Yes, she told me Minoxidil, Dutasteride and vitamins.  They are usually vitamins, minerals, amino acids... from what I have read.

     As I told another colleague, I don't know the depth of the needle, I will ask about it in my next session in February.

     Taking Dutasteride orally alone also improved me (you can see it in this thread), but I think that now that I take it orally, injected and topically (this one Minoxidil) the results are better.  It all adds up and I am completing the 3 routes of action: oral, injected and topical.

     And of course believing in me, several doctors told me that I was not suitable for surgery without even telling me to try the medication.  I'm talking about good doctors.  

    I don't blame them either, I was near to NW VII, but they should have encouraged me to try.

    I was like that in the begining


    Allways fight for what you want.

     A hug!

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  13. 52 minutes ago, duchaine said:

    Did the doctor explain why you can’t one per month all year around?

    is it useless or can it be counterproductive?


    I suppose the doctor has chosen this frequency because I also take Dutasteride and Minoxidil orally.  I suppose that in a person who does not take medication orally the frequency will be different (I don't know for sure).

    But from what I have read in other cases there is always a rest period in the treatment.


  14. 8 hours ago, Maistro said:

    @PelazoVenAMi felicidades muy buen avance. ¿Eres español o quizás estás en México (dadas las fotos, meses nombrando)? Estoy en México y estoy considerando recibir Meso Therapy DUT también.

    ¿Hiciste el meso al principio semanal o mensualmente? ¿Cuánto tiempo hasta que hiciste un primer descanso más importante?

    Pero todavía soy un poco escéptico acerca de los efectos secundarios, incluso si se inyecta si se vuelve sistémico...

    @12345 ¿O alguien que siga estos hilos y tenga más experiencia con inyecciones y efectos secundarios?

    Porque tuve efectos secundarios con la ingesta oral.

    Además, mi médico me recomendó minoxidil oral y también estoy un poco preocupado por los efectos secundarios (lipido/erección).


    Hi  @Maistro @maestro

    Thank you for your kind words. I am spanish.

    I did 3 sessions, one a month, after the third the doctor recommended to rest and it has been about 5 months of rest, from the end of July until last week.  I will have another 3 sessions, one a month and I will rest again.  I will tell you the progress here.  As for the side effects, I can't tell you much, I don't have them.

    I wish you the best!

  15. 18 hours ago, arthurSam said:


    ¿Sabes la profundidad que usan para el meso con pistola? 


    I honestly don't know, but I can ask in my next session if you're really interested.  They apply some ice and vibration to distract the pain.


    • Thanks 1
  16. 9 minutes ago, 12345 said:

    Me alegro de que estés viendo una diferencia con el meso. 

    ¡eres a prueba de balas! ¡Sin acompañamientos en productos tópicos, meso y orales! ¡Estoy celosa!

    I applied topical mesotherapy at home with a dermaroller.  Injected mesotherapy is applied to me in a center and the punctures are much more painful in comparison, they do it with a needle or gun. 

    I will tell how the evolution is going, thank you for your words friend, the best for you!

  17. 10 minutes ago, 12345 said:

    Gracias, lo que no entiendo es ¿por qué mesoterapia en lugar de solo medicamento tópico? Porque el producto tópico se vuelve sistémico, y ¿la inyección de mesoterapia en el cuero cabelludo no sería también sistémica? o me falta algo aquí. puedes explicar

    If you read my thread, you will see that in my journey I already applied topical Dutasteride for a season in two modalities.

     I think it helped me, but I decided to try this way because, from personal opinion, I think it is more effective.  

    Side effects are not the reason for changing treatment, I also take Dutasteride orally and I have no side effects.


  18. Hi!

    Today I have gone to the check-up I mentioned and the doctor says that I have improved and she directly gave me the first of the next three sessions of mesotherapy that we have planned.  She says that after one year of having the first session, the maximum improvement is seen, so I am looking forward to continuing.


    • Like 1
  19. On 1/4/2024 at 5:18 AM, Etownone said:

    Muy MUY impresionante 

    Algunos podrían pensar que es increíble con sólo medicamentos y mesoterapia. ¿Te importaría desglosar lo que estás haciendo estos días en cuanto a mesoterapia?  

    Además tengo curiosidad... ¿Cómo se ve el frente?  


    Thank you very much friend, the truth is that it is also impressive for me, I have to look at the photos sometimes to be aware of the situation from which I started, people have bad memories.  

    As for mesotherapy, I received my last session on July 26 (there were 3 sessions).  Next week I have a check-up, I imagine that like I have improved, and if the doctor doesn't say otherwise, I will continue with new sessions (is not doctor Mwamba's topical mesotherapy).  

    On the other hand, I continue taking oral and topical medications.  

    I will post a photo of my front part, the back part has improved more, although it is true that the front part had almost no hair to start with, as you can see on my journey.

    All the best! A hug!



  20. Happy new year friends!


     I hadn't been here for a while, I wanted to wait a few months after the 3 mesotherapy sessions that I just had at the end of July (specifically, 5 months and a few days have passed).


     Looking at the photo from exactly one year ago, January 2023, I think that the year has been positive and many of the little hairs that had not yet taken the step have already become adults.


     I leave some reference photos, which although they are not the same, I hope you can appreciate how the story goes, from January 2021 with wounds caused by the prosthesis before starting the adventure of taking medication, through January of last year where you could see the miniaturized hairs that They had not finished growing, until today with a more favorable situation under natural light from the window.


    Next week I have a check-up with te doctor and I imagine that I will be encouraged to apply other mesotherapy sessions (continuing with the usual medication: dutas, topical and oral minox, biotin, vitamins, collagen...) waiting with faith that make more change in me 🙏

     I hope the post helps you in some way as it helps me to move forward.

     Greetings and I wish you all the best! 

  21. 1 hour ago, ssimpson7511 said:

    ¿Por qué dermaroll varias veces a la semana, eso solo puede causar daño?

    That's right, that's why I preferred to left it a little later.


  22. Hello friends!

    On August 1, it will be two months since I started the mesotherapy sessions.  Tomorrow I will give myself the third session.

    From what I have read, the definitive improvement is not appreciated until 3-6 months, so I look forward to the coming months.  As a personal impression, I do notice more hairs and I want a new springboard in the third session.

    Iwill try that my next photos have the same lighting, but I think the evolution of these 25 months can be appreciated (one I did not take medication).

    My current diet:

    Injected mesotherapy
    oral minoxidil
    topical minoxidil
    oral dutasteride

    A hug for everyone!





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