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Posts posted by Dannydeece

  1. Hey guys,


    I am a 27 year old guy, roughly a Norwood 3. I suffer from cystic fibrosis but I am happy to say that generally I am very healthy. I have booked a hair transplant for the end of July and am pondering what to do about medications.

    I know that people say the side effects of fin/min are often blown out of proportion due to the annecdotal nature of every bad story getting repeated many times. However, due to my CF, when I was a teenager I was put on a long course of steroids for my lungs. Whilst great at attacking the bad stuff in my body, after about a year I developed quite severe gynecomastia. I had a cosmetic operation to remove them at around 21, but unfortunately they've grown back (albeit much smaller) since then.


    On top of that, around two years ago I began a new 'wonder drug' for CF. After around three months on this drug, I developed fairly significant cystic acne.  Since the drug's release this side effect has been commonly reported, believed to be due to simply just how powerful the drug is in reorganizing your body.


    My question is given this history of medically-induced gyno and acne, do you think it is simply too risky to ever begin hairloss meds? I know this kinda comes down to how I personally balance competing risks, but my brain is a bit frazzled and I would love to hear input from anyone else. In terms of risk, both the gyno and the acne affected my confidence massively. Medium-term I would like to have a second procedure to get rid of the gyno, as my self confidence skyrocketed around that time. 


    I am obviously going to bring this up with my doctors the next time we speak but any thoughts people on here have I would love to hear them!

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