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Posts posted by Nicki8000

  1. Thank you.  Yes, I hope the results will blend in nicely and look natural. 
    yes, I’ve been on Finasteride for over a year and will continue. 
    The clinic will provide me with the count next week but also said that due to their guarantee I will get a free follow up session if results are not satisfactory. 
    after all I am more focused on the outcome than obsessing over the graft count. 

  2. That’s my thinking exactly. Some of the feedback about the graft count was a little worrisome. However, after “cleaning” the recipient area a few times with saline it appeared that it is actually more crusts (smaller ones) than initially seen. Although it doesn’t look like 1500 in the front but I won’t drive myself crazy over it. Probability some were crusted over in pairs maybe. Anyhow as I said, I like the current shape of the hairline (similar to what I had 10 years ago) and the healing process. 
    Never had a crazy thick full head of hair (always had fine straight hair) and I’m hopeful that this one will bring some more fullness back to work with. 

  3. Healing is progressing well so far. No swelling just a bit of annoying itch. 
    In terms of graft amount I’m not going to stress out about it for now. They did say that I had a greater than normal amount of 4’s as donor so that was encouraging I guess. They were mostly placed in the crown area they said. I’ll bring up the count and ask for the count sheet during my one week follow up in a few days. 
    either way it’s now about the healing and the annoying waiting period to see what will come out of it at the end I guess. 
    overall the entire process was less severe or dramatic than what I anticipated. 
    donor area is already extremely clean and almost no discomfort at day 3 with not many scabs to worry about. 
    appreciate y’all’s input/feedback (albeit a little worrisome at first). Time will tell. 


  4. One day post OP.

    2000 grafts total.

    500 in crown,

    1500 in front. 

    No significant pain. No significant itching etc. 

    Advise from clinic was 48 hours waiting before doing anything on the recipient area (except maybe once or twice some saline solution but not required). At the third day gentle wash with baby shampoo once a day. 

    Any feedback on the one day post up results in terms of how it looks so far?

    Any other advise would be welcome. 




    Pic 1 - Before procedure

    Pic 2 - Post op front (24 hours after)

    Pic 3 - Post op crown (24 hours after)



    IMG_8649 copy 2.jpg

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