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Doyle Lonnegan

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Posts posted by Doyle Lonnegan

  1. Just to add to this topic I returned from Belgium a couple of days ago after a procedure and it was smooth sailing throughout. No issues at all with travel.

    If anyone is due to head over in the near future you simply need to ensure you have the following items ready for your trip:

    Travel to Belgium - Negative PCR test result from within the last 72 hours, UK declaration for travel, Belgian Sworn Statement & Belgian Passenger Location Form. I'd also recommend carrying a letter from your clinic confirming the medical procedure in case you're asked for evidence of the medical nature of your trip.

    Return to the UK - Negative PCR test result from within the last 72 hours, UK Passenger Location Form, Confirmed booking for the Isolation Testing Package.

    All documents are straightforward to complete though the cost of the various tests add up quick. Almost £500 in total.

    Home isolation once you return is for a total of 10 days unless you opt into the test to release scheme which naturally costs even more. Given we need to recover post-op anyway it's a pretty pointless option for us hopefully soon to be hirsute fellows.

    Finally make sure your passport has at least 6 months on it from your planned return date. This is a post-brexit requirement for trips into the EU.

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