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Posts posted by oncesilky

  1. Hi. I have only made a few posts here. I hope I am on the right site for my question. I am female and have been on minoxidal, proscar and LLT for about 2 years. All of this stopped my hair loss and even started to grow a bit. However just 2 months ago I had a hair transplant (700 graft,mostly 3hairs each) to thicken out the top of my head. Right now I am in the midst of shock loss YUK and I think at this point I look worse than when I started. Anyway, I have been having some health issues that my rheumatologist thinks she may have figured out. She diagnosed me with possible Lupus which is an autoimmune disease. While this in itself can cause hair loss what I am afraid of is I have read that the plaquenil( the drug she put me on) can also cause it!! I am mortified. I have come too far to see me start to lose my hair now. Especially since I just got a transplant. Does anyone know about this drug? Are the odds very great that this is a definate side effect? Thankyou very much for any help.

  2. I am a 53 yo female who has been suffering from hair loss for 4 years. I was on rogaine and proscar for 2 years and it did not help much. I was frantic.My hair was still falling out. I changed drs. to a dermatologist who specialises in hair loss and he had been following laser therapy for years. He decided that there was enough evidence to support if not hair regrowth then stopping it from falling out. I used it for 3 times a week for 2 months then 2 times a week for 2 months and now maintain once a week. I purchace a laser on a stand as the compbs are inefficient and time consuming. My hair after a couple of months stopped falling out.It became shinier as well. It stablised for a period of a year before I dicided to have a transplant. I now use the lights post transplant and would not go with out it. My doctor has had several patients use the lights and have had great success. So for me the combo of the lights and meds have worked.

  3. You are totally wrong about hair lasers. I am a woman who had been losing her hair for about 4 years. I tried everything. Iwent thru 4 doctors, use of flutamide, proscar, rogaine, special shampoos AND COMBINATIONS THERE OF. Finally my Dr. told me about the laser therapy. He had been following its use for about 3 years but did not want to purchace one until independant studies had been done to prove its' effecacy. Bty I was losing as many as 600 hairs a day at its worst. Luckily I had very thick hair but now you could see the scalp. So I went on it 3 times a week for a month then 2times for a month and now for the last year and a half I go once a week. It totally saved my life. The most hair loss I have is no worse than the normal person. Usually anywhere from 5 to 20 a day. It did not grow much hair(mainly in the temple area though I did get new hair) But I was looking to STOP hair loss. Now that I have been stable for 2 years I have had a hair transplant. I will continue to use the light therapy the rest of my life. I would like to get a good home version though. You have to make sure it is the right wave lenght (670nm) as this is the optimal depth penetration for the hair root. I personally know of many others in the office that although may not have significant hair growth, DEFINATELY had it STOP falling out. And that in it self is a great relief. So don't go talking about things you don't entirely know about. Btw i kept a diary of my hair loss for the entire time I was losing it (haircounts and all) so I KNOW there was an improvement and did not just guess. After use for 2 months is when is stopped falling out.

  4. Hi.I see your post was made in 2002. I am a female with diffuse hair thinning (however it looks as if it is thicker in the back)who hs been treated with medication and lite therapy for about 4 years now. Only in the last 2 years is it no longer falling out. Because I had thinning of my eyebrows as well I just had my second eyebrow transplant that turned out well. I was considering hair trnasplanst to thicken out the sides, front and crown. It is 8 years later for you. Did it turn out well?

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