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Posts posted by t_gerry

  1. oh well its been a month now, most of the hair has fallen off,some have started to get longer is dat normal?

    Also when i run my nad through the transplanted area i can feel hair but its not visible, is this hair or my conscience saying its not gonna work out icon_frown.gif

  2. hi


    I wanted how long would it take 2 do a hircut after HT , i am 12days post ht , i checked with the doc and he told to go for all around cut of 1 cm length so that the scar is not visible, i am planning to do it on sat, is this ok , is wearing a baseball cap after ht ok? would this harm the growth ??????????????????????????

  3. after getting a lot of info from this site and takeing my financial situation into consideration . i had my HT last week for 1300 grafts , i am trying to create a hair loss blog , but donno how to icon_frown.gif

  4. hmm dats true, i am nw3 and a pray dont reach der, seriously i do , i am 27 and dont mind being bald at 37 but not so early .

    think dont want to let nature take its course.

    oh went i said bookked till jusne 22 i meant he is got no dates for an operation till then.

    Has been practcing for along time .

    Well just keeping my options, dats all.

    Just cant afford to go abroad and looking for the best here .

    I know shapiro,wong and so on r da best but personally dont have much of an option.

    he he da best part is the guy who went before me at doc's place, came back and booked date for HT, sadly could'nt get his phone number.

  5. hey ,


    its me again just back from my consultation with dr venkat.

    i would say very professional and says the facts on ur face , he suggested o would need 1600 grafts, charges 35/graft .

    There were patients der though evryone was new dis'nt get to meet any old ones.

    & yep he is doing a alot of transplants , he is booked till june 22, he also said a density of 45/sqcm would be fine and the number pof grafts depends on the size of the head 2.

    I think we indians do have a lesser head size compared to abroad.

    Any suggestion feedback , pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

  6. i would say dr batrs's does'nt work , i have been going for the past 2years. Homeopathy does'nt have a any sideffects.


    I think the secret to good HT is a good doctor.

    Unfortunately there has not been many updates on indian doctors doing good HT.


    Mate i have also been searching for the past 2 weeks for a good indian doc, no success yet icon_frown.gif.


    I think first try minoxidal or mintop forte(indian version ) , use nizoral shampoo and some pill i forgot the name , (u should find it in the forum) for 6 months.

    If it does'nt work out go for HT,

    by then u would also have saved enough money to go abroad , probably thailand(its not as costly for us)and maybe in theh 6 months from now we might find a good indian doc. LOL

  7. hey thanks for da update,


    I did use the calculator, its really good hover it gives maximum thicknes of 45 , i have read t a density of 60 is needed for frontal hair .


    Well do keep me posted in case u do get any info,

    Will keep ypu infomed about my visit to Dr venkat on saturday . I am an NW3..


    Cya mate icon_smile.gif

  8. hmm thanks for the update ,


    That was valuable information, donno what to do , i heard about doc in Delhi called Dr A i think , checking with him , got a consultation with doc venkat on saturday will keep u posted though.

    The only thing intersting about him is taht he has been practicing here for a long time, is a member of many organisations, had good qualifications and so that it makes one want to believe, thats just waht i think...


    Oh yeah i been to dat Pioneer health one last sat , da doc itself is a bit bald and has covered up .

    Did'nt find it professional though .

    Any clue on what would be the ideal density per sq cm for an NW3.


    Your views are highly apppreciated.

  9. hey ,


    I was in consultation with Dr Sreedhar Reddy Pothula


    Here's the information i rcvd

    We perform FUT which has 100% success with results and no side effects.

    We also use ultra-refine techniques on special request which extra charges.

    You need 2500 hair grafts for better density/volume.

    We charge 20/- to 30/- per graft.


    Has anyone got any reviews

  10. thanks for dat ,


    i realise dr batra's ia big cheat and only gives false promises. It's tough to see others make money out of ones's misery .

    Ah well its easy to say go abroad but maybe not see for us indians, we dont earn in dollars.

    Its's weird though hald da world;s population is here and not good hair transplant docs,

    Imagine da amount of money one could make hmm .

    MPT baldness is getting common in India, especially towards the souther part of da country , donno why , but u can see a lot on the street or maybe its just what i notice icon_smile.gif.


    I herad dr venkat is good , as some posts of his, i got info from one doc dat i would need 2500 grafts for dense look , will keppn ypu posted thoug, hmm wonder if any one could give an update on Dr Venkataraman mysore.


    U have a nice day .....

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