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Posts posted by CRich

  1. 2 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    @CRichyou are a NW6 and your donor does not seem great (dificult to see in the pictures).

    Doctors focused on getting you the best possible resuilts will most likely advise your to start  Finasteride 3x/week for 6 months prior to surgery in order to strenghten the hair on your donor area and stop your hairloss from progressing. You are young so you can count on reaching NW7 before you reach 40 if you don`t take Finasteride.

    You should require either a mega session FUE or FUT with +6000 grafts or two FUE Sessions each with +3000 grafts to rebuild the frontal hairline and get a nice density in the midscalp and crown.

    If you want to maximize your limited donor area I would advise you to have a FUT mega session with Dr. Muresanu at Hattingen Clinic.

    A FUT surgery removes just a single strip leaving you still with donor area to have a FUE surgery in the future should your hairloss evolve.

    If you insist on getting a FUE surgery then your best option is a mega session with Dr. Arika or Dr. Sethi at Eugenix and problably they will compensate your week donor area with +2000 beard grafts.

    Wish you the best with your HT and hope to see your results thread in the near future!

    Both the list and the above advice is very helpful, I had never considered India. I have contacted Eugenix this evening and they are to come back to me in 24hrs.  I was not aware of the extent of the grafts I would require. Anyone I have spoken to has said approx 3000, but on my research and this advice, it is likely (considerably) more than that. 

    I am looking at the prices for Eugenix here, it looks like Sethi would be out of the price range but the premium package with Dr. Arika Bansal may be possible. 

    I have added another pic of the donor area so any further comments appreciated !

  2. Hi, I  have been struggling with hair loss since I was 19/20. Hair initially receded and began to thin (to my horror!) as I was in college. I have thought about hair transplant surgery for a few years but have held back for a variety of reasons (predominantly the risk of a bad result). I do feel at this point that I am ready to take plunge and have been exploring my options. I have never taken any prescriptions or used shampoos etc. I am based in the UK. 

    I am going to leave some photos below and would appreciate if any forum members could advise if I am a suitable HT (FUE) patient ? Is my donor area sufficient. How many grafts?  

    I have made enquiries with Dr. Saifi in Poland, who was personally responding to my emails.  

    I have also made enquiries with Dr. Arshad in Leeds.

    Any help appreciated or advice on recommended surgeons appreciated (if allowed on this forum).  I am conscience of the price to some degree but it does not need to be a budget job, willing to spend 8-15k for the right place.


    Hair 3.jpeg

    Hair 2.jpeg

    Hair 1.jpeg


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