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Posts posted by jojolux

  1. 5 minutes ago, Raphael84 said:

    It is really great that you have found this forum as a platform to discuss your situation and receive advice and support from a community of individuals who are essentially experiencing similar concerns. This can be very valuable for you and allow to educate yourself and not rush into anything that you may not be comfortable with.

    Having said that, please be cautious whose advice you decide to prioritise in this thread.

    Far more irresponsible than considering medication and seeing how you may respond, would be to proceed with a hair transplant at 22 with your pattern of loss. 22 is a very young age to be considering surgery and the majority of ethical surgeons would not consider proceeding in a 22 year old patient with a Norwood 3 pattern of loss, with some visible thinning/decline in quality of hair in the crown, and who is not using medication. This is somewhat of a red flag.

    At 22, you may have been losing hair for approximately 4 years more or less. Hair loss is progressive and will generally continue well past middle age. Considering that you have another 38 years until you are 60, you unfortunately quite probably have many years of loss ahead of you, and the extent of loss over this amount of time could be significant, meaning that any frontal restoration now, may leave you with an unnatural pattern of loss, with your frontal hairline restored and little else behind. You would certainly require a subsequent surgery, but at such a young age and without medication, your lower crown and lateral humps may well drop, meaning increased graft demands, but further donor limitations.

    Medication is certainly a very personal decision, but can be a very important factor in younger patients who are experiencing rather aggressive loss. 
    If you were to decide to begin a regimen of hair loss preventative medication, if you were to have any concerns you could discontinue. If you were to proceed with surgery, then you would not be able to reverse this decision, so please be cautious.

    Any individual experiencing loss, being honest and realistic is essential. Many guys have more aggressive loss than yourself at 22, and after managing loss and stabilising native hair with medication, and planning surgery later into their 20s, find themselves in very positive positions in regards to coverage as they age.

    I wish you the best!

    Thank you very much for taking your time and giving me such a structured answer.

    And thanks to everyone else too who took their time and answered on my questions.

    I‘ll deffo talk to my doctor and talk to urologists about taking finasteride:)

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    It’s not where you are, it’s where your headed. I hate to say it but you have aggressive hair loss. For your age, it’s definitely gonna progress and probably fast. I would wait at least a year and a half on finasteride before considering surgery. You definitely do not want to make the mistake of getting a low hairline. You will need grafts for the future.

    Thanks for the honesty I guess🤣

    I‘ll defintely try finasteride out and see where I‘m at in 12-18 months time

    So do you think that I‘m one of the cases where the hair transplant is kind of not worth it because I have aggressive hair loss at such a young age?

  3. 9 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    NW 2 at 22 isn’t the worst situation in the world to be in ... albeit I totally understand your predicament and wanting to do something about it. 

    If you began noticing hair loss at 18, and 4 years later have only reached the NW 2 stage, again I would say this isn’t the worst situation in the world . . and suggests you don’t have an astonishingly fast rate of loss.  

    Unfortunately, like others have mentioned, finasteride is likely to be your best bet for the next few years to combat your hair loss ... if you deem this a higher priority and more important to you than potentially experiencing some of the known side effected associated with the medication. I would recommend researching and consulting with a urologist beforehand though, so you have all the information on board and necessary to make an informed decision. 

    It would be great if you were able to post some pictures up . . Members would be able to provide much more thorough advice.  

    Bit humiliating  but there you go🤣










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  4. 1 minute ago, deitel130 said:

    You should talk to your doctor and try to get on Finasteride. It is the best treatment available and when combined with Minoxidil should work really well. Sides seem to happen between 3-5% of the time but I'm the vast majority stop once you stop the meds. 22 in my opinion is too early for a HT. All the other pills you have tried which you say haven't worked is probably true. At this time all that we have FDA approved for hair loss is Finasteride and Minoxidil with Finasteride being highly effective. If you are worried about sides you can perhaps try topical Finasteride.


  5. Hi guys, I‘m 22 and I‘m from Luxembourg. I first started to notice that I‘m losing hair when I was 18 years of age. Since then I‘ve used minoxidil and some other pills that didn‘t really work out. I‘ve now come to a point where I can‘t really hide it anymore and where I‘m embarassed to go out etc..For the past few months I‘ve seriously considered to do a hair transplant, the only issue that I have is my age. I‘m only 22 and I would say that that is pretty young to do a hairtransplant. Has anyone at my age got a hairtransplant in this forum? And if so which surgeon would you propose? I‘ve come across certains names as Dr.Bisanga and Dr Bruno Ferreira which do sound interisting considering that they‘re in Europe. Thanks in advance for the answers guys:)

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