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Posts posted by ZooeyGlass

  1. Hi folks,


    Reading this site has been super helpful. I have an appointment for surgery next week and feeling very anxious. Cold feet, even though I plan to proceed.

    I think this stress is due to a few factors. I’m relatively new to idea of getting the procedure (IE I’ve thought about it for maybe 6 months), but I have two people I trust who have gotten the surgery and recommend it highly. They’ve talked me through the pros and the cons, and one has worked with the surgeon that I’m working with. That said, I was able to get an appointment much faster than anticipated (I was booked for April, but there was a cancellation and I was able to get that appointment — which is exciting, I like the idea of being in good shape by summer). Planning on FUE surgery with the maximum number of grafts the doctor recommends, 2000 - 2500.

    That said, I perhaps haven’t done as much homework on this stuff as some of you, and it all feels like it’s happening very quickly. Can I describe some of my anxieties and have you tell me your thoughts?

    First, some context. I’m in my late 30s, live in New York City. I’ve wrestled with hairloss since I was 19. I would describe myself as a Norwood III or IV. Photos attached. It runs in the family. I was lucky enough to have someone tell me about propecia while I was in college. I have taken it ever since with no side effects. I never really used rogaine, in part because I had read it was only for vertex thinning, and I found it messy and dried my scalp. For the past year I’ve been using rogaine foam and find it is fine. I had a lot of stress in my life the past few years (deaths in the family! Eek.) and got more grays and lost some density on top. As I march towards my 40s, I’m really curious to change how I feel about my hair and my appearance. For example, I dyed my hair blonde for a year in college and felt like a dynamo. Could this make me feel like that?

    ANXIETIES (I would love your reactions to these, quell my fears)

    I’m very nervous of being unpresentable for the next 6 months. I’m single right now, but dating a few people and hooking up, and I feel like it would make dating incredibly awkward. How bad is it? Did you feel a lot of shame? I’m hoping it’ll start to look OK by July,


    I’m also very afraid of not being happy with the results in the long term, the fear that I’ve somehow screwed up my appearance. At the same time, I hear people who swear by the procedure and say it’s the best decision they’ve ever made.



    1. I’ve been telling people who I am close to and love. Almost everyone is supportive, though they want me to ensure it looks good. Everyone keeps saying “you look fine the way you are” and “why change” — how many people do you wind up telling about the procedure after you’re done with it?
    2. These photos make my vertex look a bit thin, too. Should I just keep using rogaine and propecia and dermapen on that, or transplant?
    3. I want to not just move my hairline, but increase the density of hairs in the top front. Is that something which surgery can do? I see so many photos where it looks more like building a new line of hair around the existing hairline, rather than the density of existing hair in the hairline.
    4. Do you recommend shaving my head? The doctor said that I could get the procedure done with just a short haircut if I have a strong preference against shaving. But I also want to have the best effect in the end. I’ve buzzed my hair once before, in college, and really disliked the look, but I can deal with it. And everyone making comments sounds scary and stressful.
    5. I’m still trying to figure out what it’ll look like on week 1-4. It seems like the crusts will dry out and remove in about a week. After that, redness. Hair will fall out. Awkward phase of it growing in. I’ve been wearing baseball caps on work calls for a bit just to sort of get them used to it.
    6. I’m taking some time off work after the procedure. Won’t be back at work or in meetings until one week after the surgery. Is this enough? Should I take more time?
    7. The doctor I’m working with has very good recommendations, is the same doctor referenced in these videos here. I’m not posting his name just yet, I don’t think the doc needs to be associated with my high anxiety post (though I will share it in the results part of my journey later).
    8. Lastly, what is the worst part of the journey? What should I prepare myself for?


    Thank you so much! This site has been a lifesaver. I’m planning on documenting my journey for the forums, but not a lot of videos.

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