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Posts posted by carlitosito

  1. 2 minutes ago, TommyLucchese said:

    Sorry for 3 posts in a row but I just wanted to say that it's really good you found us this early. Because you're 18 and are suffering emotionally, you could easily be led into making a terrible decision that will cost lots of money and potentially ruin your hair.

    It's really important you spend a lot of time reading on this forum. This is a very honest community that will give you good advice that has your best interests in mind. 

    The 4 products I told you about are the only things you should consider and are a great starting point - but you still need to do your research and learn more yourself. 

    i really appreciate that you gave me some of your time i hope everything  gonna be okay

  2. 3 minutes ago, TommyLucchese said:

    I understand...I started minoxidil age 16! My parents spent a lot of money on lasers and expensive "supplements" but trust me: minoxidil, finasteride, dermarolling, and nizoral shampoo are the only things that can help you. 

    Don't even consider transplants. Transplants are for when you have lost a lot of hair but your hair loss has stopped - either from the medication or naturally.

    For now, why don't you try growing your hair out a bit? Finasteride will probably be needed at some point but because you're young, just try minoxidil and dermarolling for now. 

    Remember - when you do eventually try finasteride, don't take the full dose for the first 6 months. Start very slowly.

    Rogaine foam / minoxidil is good for the crown so definitely try that...

    may i ask wich minoxidil do you use? and thanks for you time 

  3. 2 hours ago, CosmoKramer said:

    Hey man, at your young age, before getting on any hormone altering prescription medications, you should give minoxidil and derma rolling a try for at least 6 months...many young guys your age seem to be very good responders....then see a dermatologist on going on Finasteride if needed.

    i heard if you start early with finastride its better to maintain what you have. should i start with very low dose? only to be in the safe zone

  4. 17 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    The worst thing you could do now is get conned into a hair transplant for a million reasons. The advice above is sage advice. I had a hair transplant at 18 and it is possibly still my biggest regret in my life. All that I was left with was scars and for so many years the inability to have a hair transplant. Don't make my mistake. Learn from my mistake because it will save you not only money. But it will save you psychological damage, scars and regrets.

    i am really sorry for you . i know its very hard to strat lose your hair at 18 i cry every night because i dont know what should i do

  5. 50 minutes ago, TommyLucchese said:

    Agree with above.

    Step 1 - 5% rogaine foam and a 1mm dermaroller

    Step 2 - Add topical finasteride. I have 6% minoxidil and a 0.5mg finasteride combination that I rub into the scalp 3 or 4 times a week. It works really well.

    With finasteride be very careful not to use the full dose for 6 months. If you get a pill, cut it up into quarters and take one quarter every few days. If you get a topical solution, use much less than directed. Eventually you can work up to the full dose 4 or 5 times a week but start really slow.

    That's basically all you can do - finasteride, minoxidil, dermarolling and Nizoral 2% shampoo once a week. Be sure to take photos so you can track your progress.

    Be very careful - you are highly susceptible to the snakes of the industry right now. The only things that work are what are listed above, and you shouldn't really be spending any more than £400 a year. 

    Minoxidil-direct is a great source for rogaine 5% foam

    Minoxidil Max is a great source for topical finasteride with the option of having minoxidil in there too

    The finasteride pill requires a subscription so do your research for reputable sellers near you - you can get them online but cost will vary 

    You can get dermarollers on Amazon for £10

    i am really scared right know i dont know what should i do.my parents dont understand that i am 18 years old and its hard and very painful to lose my hair very early.

    should i start with finastride with very lowe dose to only keep the hair i got while getting rogaine foam


  6. ok i am 18 years old my dad is bald norwood 6.

    i went to a 2 derma and they said i am balding they were not hair specialist because i couldnt found one in germany.and they both said that i should not take finastride

    i am here to put my trust in you guys what should i do to keep the hair i have ?

    should i start with finastride or i am too young.

    please if you take finastride i right anything about your experience.






  7. 15 minutes ago, TorontoMan said:



    Im in a similar position as you, my mother's father and brother in their late years had all their hair. My father and his father had varying degrees of MPB. I believe I'm following my fathers trajectory, however, hopefully medication will slow that progress. Read the article I think it will explain the genetics well enough 

    do you also looks like your father

  8. 8 minutes ago, voxman said:


    Now do yourself a favor.  Leave this forum for at least 10 years.  You have a full head of healthy looking hair and there are better things for 18 year olds to do than obsess over nothing.   

    And also, unless you are in the military, grow out your hair.  Long.  You'll thank me when you have a girl on both arms.   

    i am sorry . am i in the wrong place . i was just wondering that why i am posting here. by the way thanks for your answer  

  9. 37 minutes ago, ciaus said:

    np and stay positive, try not to dwell on the worse case scenario, wait for the doctor's diagnosis. Its been over two years since i've had a flareup and I'm keeping the faith it never comes back.

    i will , if he said after i visit him i got nothing i will jump on your suggestion either and buy the medicament to be in the safe position

  10. 19 minutes ago, ciaus said:

    Once the hair follicles under the skin are destroyed, the scarring forms, and that hair from those follicles won't ever grow back. Some people just have the condition in one area of the head, sometimes it can also spread to other areas of the head too. That's why its so important for someone that does have one of these conditions to be diagnosed and get it under control with medications asap. I had redness and some swelling in my case and the doctor removed some skin from that area with a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. The topicals I use are Elidel, Clobetasol and Dermasmoothe scalp oil.

    thanks for your time wish you the best


  11. 5 minutes ago, ciaus said:

    yea since i've been shaving during lockdown i see some of that on my head too, i have a scarring alopecia. Some people have redness in those areas where its active, and itching, burning. There doesn't have too be those skin surface symptoms though, everything can feel and look fine and it can still be active under the skin damaging and eventually destroying the hair follicles, leaving behind those 'white spots'. Scarring alopecias are pretty rare thankfully, and difficult to treat. Sometimes they go into remission for a while and then flare up again. If that's what you have/had, hopefully its in a permanent remission.

    oh shit did you already treat them or did you visit a derma?


  12. 33 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I’m not sure, it could be a mild case of alopecia areata or scarring alopecia. You need to consult with a dermatologist. I do see what you’re talking about 


    i do got these empty spots even  at the back scalp and also on the sides i am really worry 

    i  will visit a derm in 8 days 

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