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Posts posted by NeedHair75

  1. O'h yeah...he shaved! I even asked the assistants to shave the rest of my head the same length so that it would look even. Granted, they're not barbers or hair dressers so it came out uneven looking but close enough when I wore a cap. In terms of density, I'm not sure. I'm sure he tried to match the density that I had at the time.

  2. Just a little update: It's been over 6 months since my first procedure and I am REALLY impressed with the results!! I didn't realize how BALD I was getting until recently when I saw how much hair I had since my procedure (due to pictures my family took of me). Dr. Konior REALLY underplayed what he did for me. I got FAR more hair than he led me to believe I would have...which is good! I'm amazed at how much hair he can implant with just one strip from the back of my head. I'm going in for a check up to see if he can do a second procedure.


    Anyone who is thinking about getting a hair transplant procedure, look into Dr. Konior! He is definitely one of the best! I can't say enough praise for his work.

  3. As many have posted here before, Dr. Konior is AMAZING! I was REALLY impressed with not only what he did for me but the professional teamwork that took place during my procedure. Even though I couldn't see (they covered my eyes), I could hear them talking to one another and based on what I heard, i could tell he ran a well oiled machine. It really was impressive. i remember going in and seeing a TEAM of assistants preparing for my procedure. I wasn't expecting that. I had done plenty of research about hair transplants and certainly in the field regarding which doctor I should seek out in Chicago. I didn't realize there needed to be a TEAM working on me. lol. Maybe it had to do with how many grafts they were implanting (originally 3,500 but he ended up putting in close to 3,700 I think).


    All the assistants were kind and gentle with me and were constantly making sure I was comfortable. I thought it was a little funny how the doctor told me that I would be sleeping through the 12 (or more) hour procedure due to the Valium they gave me but it's a little hard when they keep moving you around and talking to you/asking if you need a break (which I needed several times). I did my best to just lie there and let Dr. Konior do his thing because I wanted nothing but his best efforts undisturbed but when you have to pee...you have to pee! lol.


    In the end, they gave me a mirror to see the end results and I was blown away because he ended up covering WAY more than he originally told me he could do! I had far more baldness in my crown area than my temple and hairline. I had told him that was the area I was most concerned about at this moment in time and could wait a year before getting my hairline done. At first he was reluctant and gave me the impression that he didn't want to work on that area but he'd rather work on my hairline (since that is what most people would see). I guess he had a change of heart or saw that he could cover my crown as well as other areas once I got into the surgical room. I don't know but man was I grateful!! As I mentioned, I was very impressed and amazed at the final results. They went beyond what i thought it might look like. Granted I just had it done so maybe it will look far different once the hair starts to grow out, but I'm not worried for the moment.


    I'd love to share photos but only Dr. Konior has those and even though I asked for copies, I never got any. I can take post-op photos myself and post those I suppose but you know how difficult it is to take photos of yourself without help. If anyone has questions or thoughts regarding hair transplant or even Dr. Raymond Konior, I'd be happy to answer as best I can

  4. Sorry to hear about your problems with getting a hair transplant. I can't imagine what that must had been like! Unfortunately, I do not have the liberty or option to go elsewhere for a top doctor. Since I can not afford this procedure on my own, my parents are generous enough to foot the bill but won't pay for travel expenses. So I am subjugated to Chicago-only doctors.

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