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Posts posted by bally

  1. Hello all, the above pictures are of my FUE treatment done by Dr Feller on the 13th November 2009.


    I would like to share my experience with anybody who is thinking of getting HT done and which surgeon to go with.

    As I am based in London, I naturally wanted to try and get a HT done in the UK. I am 26 years old and the front of my hair was thinning, this affected my confidence when going out and talking to people. I thoroughly researched the web and found several clinic in London. To be honest a lot of them had differing opinions and types of HT to be carried out. However, after coming to find this forum I got a better insight as to the results attained by these clinics, I lost faith as I had no real customer interaction with the clinics or there so called 'sale reps'.

    Searching this forum I kept coming across Dr Feller and how reputable he was, so I thought I'd research him a bit more.... I came to know that I did not come across any negative feedback with Dr Feller but the ever growing success of his HT treatments. One major factor in me obviously choosing Dr Feller was the support I had from Spex based here in the UK. He was not a sales man or anything but just someone who offered unbiased views on HT and places to get treatment done from. Spex was very informative and helpful, as he always gave me the pros and cons of getting a HT done and the types of HT available. I sent him some photos and within a day or two I got DR Fellers opinion. I researched a bit more on this forum and I decided to go with DR FEller. His reputation, success and Spex's help was the factor which made me decide to go with them.


    The whole experience was very smooth and convenient. I booked into the 'Andrew Hotel' which was a 10 min drive to the surgery of DR FEllers.

    On the day of the surgery I met up with Dr Feller, he re confirmed what type of treatment would be right and the amount of grafts going to be placed and where. Dr Feller as described by Spex is very very down to earth and a cool guy. He not only takes interest in his work in great detail but also you as the patient...he offers a bespoke service to the patients needs.


    the surgery to my surprise was not painful at all, as they numb the back and the front of your head accordingly with multiple little injection pricks which didn't feel that bad. After that its over to the docs to carry out there treatment.


    all in all, the FUE surgery was a success as you can tell from my pictures above and going forward I will submit new photos to show you my progress. Spex is a great guy, he offers a lot of help when and how you need it. Dr Feller is amazing and so is his staff, they regularly gave me updates as to the procedure and always checked if I was ok.


    I think Dr Feller is one of the best HT surgeons around, I am proof he is a legend and you wont regret it if you go to see him along with Spex's help.





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