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Posts posted by EdDantes99

  1. Hello everyone, 

    Just wanted to get your opinion on the condition of my scalp 8 weeks after my hair transplant. I've noticed some new growth in the form of small baby hairs but felt some bumps near my hairline. I gently massaged the area and saw a crust fall out with 3-4 hairs stuck to it.  When I zoomed in and took a picture, I noticed a red bump with hair coming out of it and general flakiness/crustiness in the area where the new hair is growing. 

    My question is, is there cause for concern for the crust that came out with the 3-4 hairs stuck to it? Am I not washing well enough? (I use sulfate free shampoo every 2-3 days and massage very gently when applying). Please let me know. I feel like that I've been so cautious with massaging my scalp that I'm not applying enough pressure when shampooing. 

    Below is the picture of the area (you'll notice the red bump approximately half way down the picture and the flakiness where hair is growing). Also, I have native hair growing in the area, so there's a mix of transplant and native hair in the pic just as an FYI : 



  2. Hello everyone!

    I had my hair transplant done yesterday and everything has been going smoothly! Really satisfied with the procedure and the skill of the surgeon. My doctor recommended me to do my first wash a day after the procedure with the water/cup method and shampoo. I felt this was too soon since I see that most people wait 48 hours or more for their first wash. Can I please get recommendations from those that did their first wash a day after or waited a bit longer? I just wanted to see if the first wash only a day after surgery is recommended. Please let me know your thoughts. 



  3. Congratulations on the result Tbcruz! The final result is amazing and progress like yours is the key reason why I chose Dr.Bloxham. My surgery with him is scheduled on May 24th, I'm really hoping I can get results like yours.

    My main question for you is the linear scar in the back. I was reading that you said it took months to heal and for it not to become noticeable. Do you think after a month after the surgery, I could use Toppik to conceal it and it wouldn't look noticeable? Did you use any other methods to make it not look obvious? After my surgery, I'm giving myself some time to heal and not really be in public much. When I do go back, I didn't want it to look really noticeable that I got a hair transplant. Let me know your thoughts.

    Thank you!

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