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Yogesh Mander

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Posts posted by Yogesh Mander

  1. On 12/5/2020 at 12:14 PM, Tamagochihandler said:

    Hi everyone,

    I had a FUE procedure done (implantation technique with Implanters) with a very reputable Clinic and Surgeon.

    Post Operative instructions are (between others) spray saline solution every hour from procedure until 3rd day after. And from 3rd day after start hair washing on recipient and donor area gently twice a day (morning and evening).

    My mistake or deviation was that on my third day after instead of twice I washed only once (I fell slept in the evening before washing). I woke up at 05:00 am the fourth day and I realised of it and went straight to wash my head according to instructions to reduce as much as possible the time without washing.

    Could this deviation/mistake compromise the outcome?, is it necessary the twice hair wash to oxygen the grafts properly, apart from the importance of removing the scabs and prevent infections?.

    Any help or information will be much appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance.

    There is no issue if you skipped wash one time like already forum member told you. For soften scabs dermatologist recommend wash hair everyday at least once a day. To prevent scalp from infection and clean the dried blood washing is necessary. So i think you should follow the doctor instruction seriously for good results.

  2. On 12/3/2020 at 2:11 PM, CosmoKramer said:

    If you would have asked me back in 2015...my answer would have been no way do they look natural, my only example of an HT was a Senator from my state (Schumer) whom I would see on TV and in person and was the reason why I said to myself I would never get an HT, I did not want unnatural looking plugs and the thought of going through surgery like FUT that looked barbaric (now I know better when done professionally by a talented doc) was done for me...until...late 2016 when I started seeing a few average guys posting their ht journey progress vlogs on YouTube, and those of the FUE technique, which made it more bearable to me as I’m no fan of surgery/needles, their progress and results opened my eyes that good natural results were possible...and now there’s even more good guys posting their HT journey progress vlogs on YT than ever before...showing that it’s not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about doing if it’s individually important to someone. So, with more HT choices now more than at any previous time, and many good to great ones, I’d say yes, a natural look can definitely be achieved.


    On 12/3/2020 at 9:46 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Alright guys,

    This is a common question I get about every day, people want to know do modern hair transplants look natural. Are there times when they won't look natural. For example, there's a pretty popular place selling old hair plug procedures and renaming it as their last name. They have a big channel too, I won't mention any names. What do you guys think?


    Do Hair Transplants Look Natural?

    If hair transplant is done successfully then its almost look natural but if someone look more carefully then minor difference can be seen. I think transplant hair has no comparison with natural born hair.

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