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Posts posted by WhatsHairGotToDoWithIt

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 4:53 AM, Lewis Horsley said:

    4 Months (as of tomorrow)

    Noticed a lot of growth this past 4 weeks. The temple points are coming in nicely (still need some thickening up to do).

    Along my hairline I now have the new hairs coming in which are approx 1-2 inches in length, so much shorter than my native hair.

    I predict it’ll be another 2 months at least before my transplanted hair catches up with the length of other hair. 

    donor is looking great IMO

    Reminder: 2 procedures | approx 4000 total grafts | Fin & Min



    Looking great man! Obviously you paid more because you went the unshaven route, which a lot more expensive, is it worth it to do unshaven? Did he quote you for both options that same day of the procedure?

  2. On 5/1/2024 at 7:58 AM, Lewis Horsley said:

    3 Months Update

    Finally at the 3 month mark!! I should have now entered the party 😵‍💫

    I swear the first 3 months take forever, especially when you’re looking at your hair every day.

    Ive noticed over the past week or so, the outline/shadow of the transplanted hair has become noticeable around the temples and mini hairs are starting to sprout.

    Still early days but looking forward to this next month.

    Medication Update

    Approximately 6 weeks after the surgery I started oral minoxidil 1.25mg. Will be increasing to 2.5mg soon (I’ve had no noticeable sides)

    Donor area seems to have now recovered. Pretty much looks no different compared to before this second surgery - which I think is pretty good after another 1600 grafts 👌🏼



    Those temples are looking great already at 3 months, that donor area looks immaculate tho. I remember my donor area was destroyed for the longest time after my 2nd FUE.

    How long does one have to wait to book a Mwamba procedure?

  3. 5 hours ago, memzinla said:

    I think I waited like a month to receive a response. Did he respond?

    He never did. I got tired of begging for his attention and ended up going back to HMR in Tijuana. You can check my results in my latest thread....

    Your hair looks amazing in the early 2020 picture, but in your latest picture it looks to me like you aren't taking finasteride. You need to get on it ASAP if you want to keep your existing hair....

  4. Hey peeps, I've finally got around to post some pictures of my current progress. The 2 transplants I had there were worth every penny. It feels great when people assume I'm in my late 20's. I wish I would have done this sooner. A part of me still wants a slightly lower hairline but I understand I have to be realistic and save what's left of my donor area for future use. I would totally recommend HMR for everybody who doesn't want to break the bank in their own country. It's definitely bang for the buck.

    As far as Tijuana goes, supposedly one of "the most violent cities in the world" according to the media, I never felt unsafe there at any point, touring the place during the day, or even walking back to the hotel from the downtown area around midnight or so. 

    I must also add that I'm currently on Fin and take a daily Biotin supplement.

    Lado Derecho.jpg

    Frente Derecha.jpg

    Frente Izquierda.jpg

    Lado Izquierdo.jpg



    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, digi23 said:

    Hmm yea, your donor looks to be pretty exhausted, but looks good when you grow it out longer.


    8 hours ago, Gokuhairline said:

    i mean i am not an expert but could also be since its your 2nd procedure ....i've been following a few of hmr cases and this is the first one i've seen of "over harvesting" could also be your physiology , everyone is different and the Dr. def mentions that....as far as shampoo i use nizoral and Patricks

    Yeah, I'm not really worried about it.

    I only posted them old pics just to get a second opinion....

    My focus is entirely on my new hairline filling in.....

    What's that Patricks shampoo got in it?

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Gokuhairline said:

    nope....i didn't lose all the implanted hairs and actually started growing around 2.5 months as far as thickness....theres shampoos/conditioners for that ...and topical finas is about to come out soon from hasson so maybe that can be an option later

    Yeah, I just finished a bottle of Polaris shampoo. What do you use?

  7. 7 hours ago, digi23 said:

    Yes its difficult to tell in your case because you have very long hair over the donor area. Do you have any photos with shorter hair? 

    This was two of the cases I saw, pretty bad overharvesting from Dr Cortez



    These pics are from 4 months ago, they are fresh out the shower with my hair still kinda wet...




  8. 2 hours ago, digi23 said:

    Looks nice.

    I saw some sick overharvesting from HMR on facebook reviews, all I have seen before have looked really good so I was quite surprised. There were like 3-4 cases.

    Oh dang! I actually thought the sides of my head had been overharvested, up until like a month ago when they filled in. I just can't do high fades anymore because the scars will show, but I knew that would happen with an FUE.

  9. 5 hours ago, Gokuhairline said:

    growing nicely indeed and yes i also went to hmr and will be 4 months in 3 weeks and growing by the hour.  

    Oh cool. I see yours is coming along nicely as well. What all are you taking to maintain your hair?

  10. On 3/18/2021 at 4:05 PM, memzinla said:

    @Mobe Where do you live? How old are you? He's super busy! Have you been able to contact him? He made the process so easy, and I loved that I was picked up from the hotel in McAllen, TX.

    Bro, awesome results!

    But how do I even get in touch with Nader? I've filled out his consultation website a few times, called several times, left various voicemails but no dice.

  11. How far into the hairline should the singles be?

    Can you please elaborate on the crown being a black hole for grafts. Am I doomed to using Caboki on it for the rest of my life?

    I like your plan for an extra 2200 grafts. But where would those come from? The same donor area as before? Or the area underneath?

    I'm not on any meds, I just take Biotin everyday. I'm afraid of taking finasteride cause I still wanna be able to perform.

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