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Posts posted by OceanMountainSky

  1. I also added 1 dut tablet a week after 15 years on fin. Reason for adding was that I noticed I was shedding a lot more hairs all of a sudden. Now, this shedding coincided with the welcoming of a baby, so who knows if this was MPB or just sleepless nights and stress. I guess I’ll never know.


    Currently pop two of them a week with fin the other 5 days. No sides and no more shed. 

    May go back to one a week although I don’t believe this could be considered ODing when a standard dosing recommendation for dut is 0.5mg every day. 

    edit to add: hair cafe did a video on this, and spoke about the origins of the method


  2. Just want to say I successfully ordered and received topical dut via fue clinic. I’m using it once a week in addition to daily oral finasteride (that I’ve been on for around 15 years). 

    Although I got what I paid for, I did have to chase the order up. The first bottle “got lost” but they sent a replacement quickly. We’ll see how the next order goes…

  3. Hi

    I'm in my mid 30s and have been suffering from hairloss since the age of 19/20. When I was 21/22 I jumped on finasteride which has held my hair very well for the last decade or so. I also tried minoxidil which actually gave me loads of hair, but I developed a severe allergic reaction and had to stop using.


    Unfortunately, I still think about my hair every day. I check all the forums upon waking, hoping to find out about some miraculous new treatment. I've had enough of waiting and I'm considering a small transplant procedure to put this to bed (at least for a few years). 

    I saw this case of a patchy fue performed by Dr Mwamba and got excited:


    I think I'd need more grafts than this guy - does a patchy fue lead to a less desirable result than a standard fue? Seems like it could effect the density in the small area that the grafts are removed from. Any other considerations I should be aware of with this kind of procedure?

    Also, I've attached a couple of photos. As you can see my hair is in a good state, I'd just like to reinforce my hairline. How many grafts would be suggested?



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