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Posts posted by SilantKiller

  1. I'm in the same situation it seems like my crown is thinning. It isn't that serious that I need a transplant yet but it definitely is noticeable.

    I use hair fibers for the time being, even though its more work in the mornings but it's well worth it!

    There's this new brand called silax which I think is better than toppik... I feel it lasts longer and looks more natural but up to you.



  2. My hair thinning is becoming worse and worse but not to a point where I need a transplant and I'd prefer not to put any drugs or chemicals in my body. I saw an ad for Silax hair fibers and wanted to give it a try.

    Wondering if anyone here has used them before.

    They have pretty good reviews: 

    Appreciate your input!

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