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Bobby p

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Posts posted by Bobby p

  1. On 7/29/2015 at 3:25 AM, justgotfue said:

    Hi everyone,


    I'm approx 6 weeks post op, and many of the transplanted hairs have grown, and shedded. I haven't shedded them all yet.


    My concern though is that there are some transplanted hairs that don't appear to have grown, they remain stubble like at 1 or 2 millimetres in length. So they have not shed and have not grown. This appears strange compared to many of the transplanted hairs that have grown.


    I can count approximately 8 of these only in my hairline. They may be further back too but I can't detect any, maybe because only the stubble like hairs are in the hairline or because the ones further back aren't as noticeable.


    These short stubble like hairs have been here since the procedure; they are not recent developments.


    Could anyone tell me if this is normal? Is the fact that they haven't grown suggestive of the grafts being dead and that those individual hairs will not grow at all?


    Many thanks for your help.

    did these hairs ever end up growing in?

  2. On 8/20/2018 at 8:26 AM, densedream said:

    I had a FUE of 2000 grafts 2 months ago.  I know most people shed the transplanted hair 2-4 weeks after and the root stays in place.  In my case, the majority of hair never fell out.  It is still there and I can feel the stubble.  I had my GF inspect and she confirmed this.  She used tweezers to see if the hair would come out easily and it did.  Should I be concerned?  I'm worried these are failed implants or something.  Weird they haven't fallen out like the majority of people.  Anybody else here experience this issue?  Thanks.

    Did this stubble end up growing in?

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