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Posts posted by mrwantsmorehair

  1. Hi all, I'm posting my hair transplant results! The relevant details are:

    - Dr. Hasson

    - 3526 grafts

    - FUE

    - I'm 25 years old (both now & at time of surgery)

    - Been on finasteride + minoxidil for more than 3 years now and have not noticed any hair loss since starting medications

    My previous post has a lot of pictures showing my pre-op hair: 

    It's from 2020, but I don't think there was any change in the hair situation between then and the transplant and the photos there are better (in terms of showing my hair loss situation) than any I've taken since.

    Here are some post-op photos:

    After Day 1: image.thumb.png.2e258a55d43361cebfcdf9cf35c0cf53.png

    After Day 2: image.thumb.png.03c72a7849f70afd38277dcc71681ad2.png


    I had a grand plan to meticulously track the progress with lots of photos, but got really lazy about it so I apologize. But here are some result photos:

    3 months later: image.thumb.png.8a8439756bd64abfd2c5034bebd71600.png

    4.5 months later: image.thumb.png.692969c3ede9a7de62dd53aad34d7e01.png

    7.5 months later sides/top/back: image.png.db639bf6d03f086ff712a1709db67d96.png image.png.3aa888e930292254c0803bc6512c43a5.pngimage.png.e87d0c9c1d0e187ea6d41a7d3b2b0e39.pngimage.png.56ae6358fa3244b5f719154114cc44a2.png

    6.5-7.5 months later from camera roll (2nd one hair is wet): image.png.5836103c92f1aaa876d4ea76fd450662.pngimage.png.de03175add2c1ea56d989c3a96c55ecb.pngimage.png.074a2a828b708b5fe59a6efe85b044ca.pngimage.png.e825e649cffb1e85c6aedac3ae554203.png


    Also here is the OR report for anyone that can parse it:


    The main relevant info is:
    # 1s: 400

    # 2s: 2458

    # 3s-4s: 668

    For total hair count of 400*1 + 2458*2 + 668*3 (lower bound) = 7320 total hairs

    The total bill was $25,993.80 USD after taxes based on their standard cost formula for FUEimage.png.1a3f6be490f69825e3133644e3fd540e.png


    The actual procedure sucked (12 hours day 1 of surgery and 10 hours day 2 of surgery IIRC), but I assume that's standard at all clinics. And honestly 2 days of uncomfortableness (plus a lot of money lol) is a small price to pay for (hopefully) decades of hair.

    I'm very happy with the results! It's honestly better than I had hoped for. I don't worry about my hair at all anymore.

    Also -- I have done a lot of lurking on this forum back when I was worried about my hair and considering all the options, so I do want to say thank you to all the contributors! It's definitely a useful and encouraging place.


    • Like 4
  2. Thanks for all the positive and helpful responses! To answer a few questions/comments so far:

    • Yes, I have the financial means to get multiple HTs and pay for high quality.
    • Yes, I would not attempt a hairline lowering unless multiple doctors suggested it (which I do not expect to happen).
    • I haven't had success growing out a full beard in the past. It gets really itchy and isn't as thick as I would like. If I shave my hair further down, I'll probably go for the Jason Statham stubble beard look.
    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi all, I'm 23 and am strongly considering a hair transplant within the next few years (likely at the "minimum-recommended" age of of 25). I would appreciate some initial thoughts from the community on expectations, concerns, etc. I have been on finasteride for ~14 months now and plan to continue using it (no side effects). I have also recently started dermarolling (~2 months). I haven't really noticed my hair get better since starting fin, but I also haven't noticed it get worse.

    I attached some photos of my current hair, as well as my hair from just before starting fin. The photos with short hair (first 12 photos) are current and the photos with longer hair (last 4 photos) are from 14 months ago. Unfortunately, the large difference in length makes it difficult to compare (at least for me). The shorter hair was just cut at 1/8" on sides and 3/16" on top.

    Obviously a proper consultation is necessary for a better answer, and I will get a few proper consultations before proceeding, but does anyone have any initial thoughts on my situation? Would it be reasonable to expect to get to the point where I can grow my hair out without noticeable thinning? Am I doomed (in terms of hair) long-term if I'm balding at 23? Is it better to wait until after 25? Do hair transplants work better or worse than average for my hair type? Etc.










    20201023_173842 (1).jpg












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