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Posts posted by chyldom

  1. Hello, I am really sorry for a stupid question but I didnt find any better place where I could look for an advice or answer. 

    I would like to go for a hair transplant cause as you can see I am losing hair on the sides/at the front. It is really hard for me and I am losing lot of confidence, there is not a single day when I would not think about my hair. My question is, is there any clinic or is it even possible to cover or implant new grafts on existing hair? Cause I know in the future I am going to lose more hair so I would like to do it in advance. As you can see on the pic with blue circle, thats what I would like to cover too. 
    I was trying to go bald but with a tattoos and beards I look like a criminal  😄.

    Problem is I am 24 (25 in November) lot of clinics says they dont do surgery or they would not suggest it before age 27-30.
    I am based in the UK but I am willing to travel.

    I have sent an email to Dr. Cinik(Turkey), Dr. Edward Ball, Dr. Raghu Reggy and I am waiting for their response. I always wanted to go to the Turkey because of the price but then I changed my mind based on few reviews that it is like a russian roulette. It can be really good and also it can be your worst nightmare so I think its better to safe more money and pay for a quality.  

    Do you have any advice or maybe you know a clinic or doctor who would help me? Thanks a lot and have a great day!






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