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Posts posted by mikey400

  1. 8 minutes ago, PizzaWolf said:

    Are you sure it's MPB? Ninety-nine percent of the time it is, but there are outliers, in which case androgen focused treatments wouldn't be effective.

    Assuming it's MPB, maybe look into a compound called RU-58841. I don't know of the legality of purchasing it in all parts of the world, though.

    Hi, Yes this is 100% MPB, I am heading exactly like the rest of my family members and brother,  RU-58841 is like Rogaine?

  2. Hello,


    I started to lose my hair when I was about 16, I started to take propecia when I was 16.5 until now, even if it helps in some way it's  not noticeable because my crown is super thin + middle scalp, I do have some hairline but again, if you look at the destiny of the top of my head it would be similar to 5k grafts after HT.

    Now, in the past few months I even started to shed in my sides (Retrograde alopecia), few notes :

    1)My entire family, over 20 males, are norwood 7 with thin sides, zero hair on their sideburn and nape aprea.

    2)I took Propecia for 7 years with no real success, and of course ZERO side effects, at least if I had some side effects I would think it's working hehe :D


    What are my hopes at this point? I understand dut is an option but no doctor is willing to write a prescription in my country, I assume if I take two propecia a day it won't make a change too right?

    I do not care about the hair at the top of my head, I do care about my sides, I am shedding tons of hairs and I know MPB attacks there too as I see my uncles, father, grandfather (both sides of the family). 

    I am willing to do\take anything just to save the hairs in my side and back and of course if possible to save the remaining hair at the top would be wonderful too.


    Thanks a lot guys

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