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Posts posted by MurphNYC

  1. Hey, @FUEgetaboutit is spot on with this.  Wesley's a very careful doctor, looking decades in the future rather than just plopping 2500 grafts on your hairline and leaving you to weather the midlife consequences. He's explicit about this in his consults. Here's another recent video from him on the topic:  https://youtu.be/bquQZliq5cY

    I have similar hair loss characteristics - a thinning forelock (stabilized on Propecia for two years, but still lacking normal density) coupled with a severely receded hairline, especially on the right side. I got a 2551 graft procedure (mixed FUT and FUE) from Wesley about five weeks ago. It was a breeze. He filled in the recessions, but he also strengthened the forelock and shored up my midscalp a little.  No shaving required - he simply worked around my existing hair, and I was able to cover up the grafts pretty easily.  Wesley's staff is lovely and his bedside manner is superb (I think that's pretty well established on this forum already).  His office could definitely do a better job communicating/engaging on this and other forums, but they have a pretty light web presence to begin with, so maybe that's just not their focus.

    I can't speak for the final result yet, but I've experienced little to no shock loss so far, either in the forelock or the donor area (by the way, a clever stylist can camouflage even a recent FUT scar and still give you a pretty short cut on the sides).  I'm not out of the woods just yet - shock loss might still happen over the next month or two - but so far so good.

    I'm quite happy with Wesley at the moment.  I'll try to check in next year and post some before/afters.

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