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Posts posted by originalwonder

  1. Hi all, thank you so, so much for your replies and guidance :D

    As one last question- do you think it would be worth following Stephanie Davis' progress? As a celebrity, she'll be in the public spotlight, and seen as she would be having the exact same procedure I would be, at possibly the same clinic??

    As another side note, I am in my early 20s, however, most clinics say they won't surgically operate on patients until around age 27/28- should I wait? Or, as a female,  am I safer than males in regards to age-related hair loss?

  2. Hi, thank you to everyone who has replied :) 

    Some have suggested to upload a picture of my hairline as to better see what would be done? I'm sorry if the camera quality is bad :(. I was silly, and probably should have drawn a line on, using a pen or something, however, to scale, from the mid/highest point of my hairline/forehead, to the top of my brows is around 6-6.5cm. Lowering it 1.5cms brings it down to directly my first 'forehead wrinkle', if you will. 

    I'm unsure if this is useful information? As I know I read/saw somewhere that hair grafts don't want to be brought too far down. (I heard within 0.5cms of skin folding, but I'm again unsure if this is just bogus information, and I need to go and ask a specialist/professional.

    4 hours ago, paddyirishman said:

    As you do not have a major problem with a large degree of baldness over your scalp that is a positive starting point to address your issue. So in that regard its your hairline and no other areas as such. 

    Lowering a hairline will not need a really high number of grafts, especially for a female.  So it's not a major HT . When it's a small procedure FUE would be the way to go .  You can go with the celibrity type HT where the back of the head is only partially shaved, and your remaining hair covers the shaved area after the HT to disguise the shaven area. This is presuming your hair is long enough of course. 

    If it's short hair you have., FUE would still be the way to go. It's almost impossible to see any scars with the naked eye afterwords if your head is ever shaved down to zero. Go with FUT and you will have a scar, even if it's hidden, but that's not the point. Why go with a more invasive surgery ?  You would be cut and a strip removed from the back of your head. ? When it's a small procedure this would be absoutely needless . 

    Best of luck on your journey.


    Although you are correct about this in many ways, isn't FUE way more expensive? I was also under the assumption the hairline needed the most grafts- as to not make it look weak, or patchy. Is this different for males and females?


  3. Hi, and thank you :)

    Yes, my hairline is naturally high, I don't have any signs of hair-loss, and as far as I'm aware. It's not receding, although, I think I am recovering from some traction alopecia, usually from wearing my hair in things like high ponytails and buns (of which I have now stopped doing). The hair does seem to be growing back (I'm seeing more baby-hairs around my front, from not wearing it up during the quarantine).


    I live in the UK, although, I wouldn't be opposed to travelling abroad for treatment. Although, language barriers, and cost do have me concerned.

  4. Hello all, I'm unsure if I'm posting in the correct place- so please, correct me if I'm wrong; but I was wondering if I could have some advice from you all? :'D

    I'm not really sure if I'm the target audience? I'm a young female- full head of hair. However, something I've always been insecure about is my hairline, and my forehead, and I was wondering about if using FUE is a viable method of moving my hairline. (Something akin to what Stephanie Davis has recently done).

    Quarantine has given me a lot of time to.. frankly obsess over it, but, also do a lot of research, and I was wondering if I could get some more opinions.

    As far as I'm aware, females experience hair loss differently to males- it being more diffused over the scalp, rather than condensed into one area, like on males. I'm worried that doing something drastic like this, may impact me further down the line.

    Oddly enough, my mother shows more signs of balding than my father (how he has so much hair still is a complete mystery to me), however, all of the males on his side are balding and/or bald. I know this may give me an insight on what my hair may do when I am older.

    I was looking to lower my hairline about 1-1.5cm, I have fine, dark hair, and I'm Caucasian, so, yaaay for knowing I'll need a bunch of grafts to achieve a good density.

    This also may seem like an insanely silly question, I'm sorry, but does the strip method (FUT) harm the rest of my head? Will it pull my forehead back further? And, as a female, is it worth looking into that over FUE? As having a scar at the back of my head is no issue to me.

    Is something like this even possible? Or would it be worth looking into a different procedure such as hairline lowering (of which is surgical by nature, and doesn't include any sort of hair grafting).

    Any advice or suggestions are appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read. 😆

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