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Posts posted by DL7559

  1. I've applied Rogaine and it had terrible side effects for me. My skin is very sensitive and it greatly exacerbated my eczema. Do you think that oral minoxidil is worth trying? I don't want to go on and off it forever. Also, how long is it effective for? I've hard it's not as effective after 8 to 10 years.

    Are there any minoxidil alternatives other than propecia that anyone would recommend? I'm considering a low level laser cap.

  2. I'm completely freaking out right now. I just had my FUT procedure yesterday. I was highly sedated, and fell asleep as soon as I went home. I ended up sleeping for 8 hours, and the headband that was covering my new hairline had moved to the middle of my forehead. I ended up moving positions in my sleep without realizing it, and I slept on my side, with the side of of my face and the side of my hairline against the pillow. I was not elevated. I'm afraid this will ruin my procedure. Please advise. Thanks.

  3. Hi, I got 2100 fUT done recently.

    I prefer not to say who the doctor is, because I know from experience that this makes it political on this sight. Who the doctor is whoudn't pertain to my question  

    I wanted them somewhat densely packad and am not sure if that's the case. I received around 1600 in the front, and around 500 in the crown. All for the FUT. I have attached a few pics below. Please let me know if you think that this will be adequate. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks.





  4. How would it be best to get my hair cut before my procedure?

    I'm getting the FUT.

    Should I come in with my hair long, so there's a lot of donor hair to choose from? Or should I make sure to keep it normal length, so the surgeon has a more accurate view of how much is really missing in the back? When I keep it longer, it tends to cover up the receding hair in the back.

    Appreciate nay feedback. Thanks.

  5. Hello,

    I'm getting an FUT procedure in late September, and was wondering when the best time to get PRP would be... Should I get it 1 month before the transplant, and then 1 month afterwards? I've heard some people say that they get the PRP with the transplant, so I don't know if that means literally a day apart, a month apart, etc? I plan on probably getting 2 or 3 PRP's sessions overall, and want to know the best way to space them out around my FUT procedure. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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