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Posts posted by s12j

  1. First of all, a thank you to everyone who is replying. As I have barely told anyone in real life about my HT, it feels great to discuss my worries with other people.

    Pkipling: Ive actually seen this photo and it was one of the cases I was referencing to when I mentioned that i've seen some big improvements in the donor area with other patients. It seems that after 4 months, there's almost no trace of the procedure, though I think your donor area has been spread out a little better. Ive been wondering since I First saw that picture - is there perhaps a photo after 2 or 4 weeks? Because the jump between post-op and month 4 is tremendous - it is barely visible by that time! and it seems to get better and better, though some of it can likely be attributed to the longer hair length.


  2. That's a 1-2-3 mm fade you are looking at in the second picture. I don't think the scars are visible, at least I cant find them, nor have any of my friends noticed (they dont know I had a HT)

    The donor area is a little pink from the procedure + being a little itchy since. I don't like the way there is a rectangle of thin hair on the back of my head. I will either have to wear my hair longer on the back, or very short. it seems. But I have seen many cases of the donor area slowly recovering over the months to the point where it is practically invisible to the untrained eye, fingers crossed that it will be my case as well. 

  3. I had a 1200 FUE procedure done 2 weeks ago. The donor area seems quite thin, despite me having very thick hair otherwise.

    I am worried because as far as I know shock hair loss occurs 2-8 weeks after the procedure. These photos were taken 10-11 days after the surgery, so im worried that this isnt shock loss, but rather overharvesting.

    I've seen some remarkable stories of donor area recovery here, I hope that will be my case as well, but if it won't, what are my options asides from SMP?



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