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Posts posted by Jor-El

  1. How come grafts wouldnt survive being "replanted" a second time ? Surely if enough time has passed they are settled and growing as normal and as before,and it wouldnt be to much of an issue ? BTW im not disputing this may be the case if studies show it,I just wondered why ?

  2. On 5/10/2016 at 7:20 PM, DualPower said:

    Ok, slightly different way of wording the question. To thise who opted for their HT with Dr Reddy in London, why did you choose to see him in London and not Nottingham?

    Late reply¬ But,the one convenience for me was Nottingham was a lot nearer,but also,it was a lot lot cheaper in Notts than London for the same thing...

  3. As a moderator,Im a bit shocked to hear that.I didnt sign up just to say this,I signed up because im interested in the topic of HT,and this was the first post I commented on when I searched for said clinic (and other ones iv used..,like DR Reddy) to see what other peoples experience was. Everyone has a first post FFS.You can think what you like,my review was honest and how I found them to be.Dont judge what you dont know.if they were crap I would have said believe me. Not everyone has had a bad UK experience you know!!

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