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Posts posted by hector49

  1. hi im a male of 19 years old  currently suffering of  hair loss since last year when i was 18 i notice my hair was thinning in the mid scalp- frontal  area ,after 4 months of that i realized i was thinning also in the crown  and dermatologist  diagnose me with DPA my hairline is still the same but know i think im maybe also thinning in the sides and the back of my head my father has dupa but the big difference with my and him is  that he started to lose his hair when he was 32 and im losing it i think since when i was 16 but didnt realize at that moment but i have a question does really finasteride work against dupa i been using oral minoxidil 1mg since last year it kinda slow down the process  but  doesnt stop it 2 weeks ago i started with finasteride 1mg  and another question for you guys im thinning on the sides and the back ? and if finasteride doesnt work against dupa what does really work against it ?

    the top of my head



    the back and sides of my head



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