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Posts posted by judoka_clark

  1. Hi guys! 

    I have been wanting to take care of my hair loss problem for awhile now, but just in the past week or two finally decided that I'm going to do this FUE thing.

    I've gotten a few different quotes, ranging from $12,000 in metro Detroit, Michigan to $2000 in Turkey. I've been told I need 2700 grafts by one quote and 4000 grafts by another. I think both are inflated and that the number is more likely around 2200. I can tell there is a lot of smoke-and-mirrors and scammery that seems to take place in this area of medicine. I could, and probably will do a video on my opinion on the same, but that's for another time. I am presently furloughed from work due to COVID and I want to use this time to my advantage. I'm hoping there will be some overlap between the time that travel bans are lifted and when I'm called back to work. I want to use that time to get my FUE treatment. I make less than 50k a year and am in law school, so cost is definitely a huge factor. My goals are to make my hairline/hair much nicer/better, but I'm not chasing perfection, and as such I feel I should not have to pay boutique prices. I'm in law school, raised by a nurse mom and a dad who is a healthcare attorney for a hospital and prior to that, a medical school. As a result, I'm pretty knowledgeable about healthcare costs and the like. The idea that a firm would charge $12000 for 8 hours of work for a minimally invasive, minimal liability, outpatient procedure is absolutely ludicrous.  Sorry, sorry. . .I already said that was for another day 😛 

    I'm looking at the idea of getting the procedure done in the United States, Canada, Mexico, or Turkey. I'm completely open to discussion, and I'm asking for recommendations.

    My preliminary research shows that the cost order ranks: US, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, with Turkey being far and away the least expensive. I've concluded that you can't really trust what you read online for reviews though, so I'm hoping to get some truth right from the source. Some considerations I have are that while Turkey is the cheapest, it is also the most difficult and most expensive to travel to. Getting there from Detroit will cost over $1000 and be a hard day of travel. Mexico will be about $300. Toronto is a four-hour drive. That said, another consideration I have is that if I have to spend $4-6k, do I want to do it here or do I want to go on a whole trip, see another country, and actually SAVE money?

    Dr. Nader of Nader Medical in Reynosa, Mexico is of particular interest to me. From what I've read so far he is very good, with great prices. His practice is also a four hour drive from my best friend's place in Texas, so i could fly to Texas, visit/stay with my friend, and drive to the border. Kind of a two birds-one stone thing. I hear he's notoriously difficult to get ahold of. I've called several times though and e-mailed. If anyone knows how I can reach him, I would be very grateful because he's my number one pick right now.

    I'm open to any and all advice and I thank each of you that contributes.



    PS, just another interesting tid-bit that some may find interesting. I had my Mexican friend help me with contacting a few Mexican clinics. I did one quote request on my own and it came back way higher than expected. She said that it was because I wrote in English and contacted them from an American e-mail. She said if you do that "boom, you're rich" and the price goes way up. She advised that we make a Mexican e-mail and write the request for quote in Spanish. 

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