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Posts posted by hair

  1. Hi, find it difficult to look for good FUE doctors since reviews will be very biased and even a good doc can give bad results. Started looking into the robotic FUE transplants done with Artas robots. For me this seems like the perfect solution since it eliminates human error and can give better precision and density than any human could. In Europe it seems like they will cost starting from flat rate of 5000Eur and amount of grafts doesn't really matter that much since it is a robot, as long as it is in a given range.

    Now I have two questions:

    1) Can the procedure be done to increase density in an area where a FUE HT was previously performed?

    2) Can someone share their experiences with doing the robotic procedure?


  2. Hi, in 2015 I had a FUE HT with ~1500 grafts fo rthe frontal area in a clinic in E.Europe.

    The results you can see in the pictures but are far from perfect, main issue is the lack of density and that I did not use Fin for a year and the non HT hair continued to recede a bit. Now am on fin and it has regrown, but there is still a small gap.

    I use Toppik to cover it up everyday and I think it looks passable, but I am getting tired of having to rely on it and constantly worrying that it looks weird, especially after swimming or sports, or in bright light from above.

    I plan on doing another HT very soon to fix these issues. Probably in the next few weeks because of the opportunity COVID has given to stay and work from home for next couple of months.

    I will have a consultation with the clinic next week, can you please take a look with your experience and advise on what to focus on and what could be done to improve the situation?














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