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Posts posted by wdh1989


    Hello everyone, not really a frequent poster, but a long time lurker, British guy who currently lives in Japan. I just had my second procedure with Dr Bhatti of Darling Buds clinics, this was my third total procedure so I just wanted to share my progress and journey.

    My first transplant was done in the UK, with UK Hairtransplant Clinics, I had an FUT procedure with about 3080 grafts done. This was at the Wimpole Clinic in London in December 2013 with I “think” a DR May. I didn't do much research then and rushed into the procedure so my knowledge about who and what is rather lacking.

    Here's my pre op photos from the time:


    Overall I wasn't too happy with the procedure, I felt like I had no real change, I'm not sure if this was due to the procedure itself or because I wasn't taking meds and my hair loss continued. It didn't actually stabilize for about 2 more years, this was my “final result”.





    I discovered this forum in those years and had decided to go to India for my 2nd procedure with Dr Bhatti, this was a decision made from balancing both price and quality.

    At that time, I was picked up by their driver at Delhi Airport, it's a rather long drive from the airport to the clinic, between 5 and 6 hours so bear this in mind. There will be a stop at a service station halfway though and a drink/snack will be provided for you in the car. India is very cheap so hotels were not a concern, the clinic can recommend specific hotels or verify your choice for you. Mine was not a recommended hotel (Name was Plaza 7 or something) but during my stay the clinic would call the hotel and give them translated instructions whenever I had a problem.

    The clinic itself was in the centre of the city in a building that was shared with other companies on different floors. It looked very nice inside, waiting room with leather seats, toilets, offices and operating rooms. I confirmed my payment with a staff member and was prepped for surgery. I believe the clinic had a special price offer at the time which I was offered during my consultation, I didn't actually confirm my procedure date until almost an entire year later after initial contact but Dr Bhatti still honoured the original price offer and agreement which was very nice. My memory isn't too great regarding this, but I believe I spent around 2000 GBP and received a total of 2266 scalp grafts and 346 beard grafts. This was also my first experience doing beard grafts.

    The surgery was done across two days;

    Day 1: 1602 scalp

    Day 2: 664 scalp 346 beard

    Total: 2266 scalp

    - 297 singles

    - 1602 doubles

    - 367 triples

    - 346 beard


    There were no real issues with the transplant, I don't like the beard experience, it's not painful but it's not a great time, that said the beard area does seem to heal very fast, recovering in a few days.

    This was done in December 2017 so I'll photo bomb the results now.

    2 months


    5 months


    6 months


    7 months


    Final result -




    I felt much happier following my second procedure with Dr Bhatti than I did following my first with the other clinic. That's why, last year, again Decmeber (2019) I visited Dr Bhatti for the second time.

    I was picked up at the airport once more, his clinic has actually moved now, same city but a much much quieter and more isolated location. The building is a lot larger too. Seems you could relax outside if you wanted (too cold in December). I also stayed at a recommended hotel this time called Kenview, nice place, great food though be aware that despite saying they offer a multi-lingual service, it isn't really. No real problems however.

    My procedure was done across one day this time, again a scalp and beard transplantation. In total I received 2344 grafts. This time we focused on mid/vertex/crown restoration though a little was added to my front-right section which failed to grow last time.

     Singles - 456

    Doubles - 1181

    Triples - 176

    Beard - 531

    My crusts came off quite quickly this time, at about 1 week, the beard transplantation was also more comfortable this time (I asked to be sedated for it lol). Dr Bhatti did remember who I was including some details about me that even I didn't remember telling him last time, so it did have this “long time no see” vibe to it.

    This time I also chose to purchase min/fin from the clinic, if you do go here then I recommend doing this, I received 6 months of minoxidil and a year supply of finesteride for about 70$. Though bear in mind whether or not you can import that much when you go home.




    I'll post further updates in the future once I have some growth to be proud off, currently doing the once a month photo approach. Going forward and depending on growth, if I go for a 4th procedure I'll either add more to the mid and vertex area or strengthen my hairline. 

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