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Posts posted by sɐɯoɥʇ

  1. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    If money is no issue, there’s no reason to travel. Hasson and Wong, Dr. Konior, Dr. Cooley, Dr. Gabel, would be good. If you’re only interested in FUE, you’ll need a clinic with experience with norwood 5+. I’d consider Eugenix. I’ve heard Cuoto has a 2 year wait. Now, maybe that’s changed with the coronavirus situation. Idk. 

    Thanks Melvin. Much appreciated. I'm looking into your recommendations now

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  2. I'm 40 years old. Money isn't an issue at all. To my understanding, traveling out of the US is the way to go because here in the US I am understanding that they limit the number of graphs they will do in one procedure. A lot less than what clinics in other countries will do. Not sure how true that is but I will probably have to travel. So far, the guy I have my sights on is Dr. Juan Couto in Spain. But I know that they only put up their best results. So that's where the opinions that I seek come in. I want what everyone else here wants.... fullest density possible with minimal scarring as possible. 

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