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Posts posted by freezrman

  1. The "Hair Club", was suggested to me as it looks natural, so I was interested. My first appointment quickly turned into a, "pressured sale", as they wanted money and a commitment, immediately. As I had not aloted for extra monthly costs in my budget, I went with the lowest price and was, "led to believe" that I was able to pay, "once", for the unit that I had purchased and would be able to do the, "upkeep", myself or with help from a friend. After I had had the,"unit", installed and my hair saved off to install the unit, it was then and only then that I was told about joining an eternal payment system to this company, to keep my , "hair", looking nice, having it coloured and cut, plus replacing it, when it, "wore out". As you could imagine, I was not impressed, as I was already commited, as "it", was on my head! After investigations on the internet, I found that the money that I invested in the, one unit, that I purchased would have looked after my, "head of hair", for many, many years!!! There are other, "much less expensive", units in the market. Please don't, Jump Too Fast.

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