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Posts posted by nemo.shark

  1. take quercetin, chrycin, serrapeptase and the amino acids glycine alanine glutamic acid at 1000mg per day, ginseng, ginkgo biloba and drink noni juice bio-pycnogenol for 3 months with a high dose multi vitamin and mineral supplement and abstain from sex or masturbation for those 2-3 months, then inject a 10mg dose of melanotan2 peptide or brem at low dose of 0.300mg until the 10mg vile is gone. if this don't work which im totally sure will not happen! go ask the bodybuilders the peptide they use to stimulate hp testicular axis. as i cant remember the name it.


    you can research this if you want before you try it and if your good you will find the rational that ive not got the time to explain, but im doing more than just throwing you bone here! :eek:

  2. It would be interesting if you could get in touch with the scientist you mention and find out where he got to in his research, I do think there are merits with prp but not how it is currently being used, there needs to much more purification of the growth factors that may be beneficial like vascular endothelial growth factors and in terms of mpb the total removal of androgens before its injected as a minimum consideration before its used in this regard.

  3. future if you want to know how life began look into the experiments done that replicated the early atmospheric conditions of the earth, they found that it was electricity from lightning that created amino acids on earth and they then formed proteins which formed other structures, but there's also another theory called panspermia where asteroids or comments seeded the earth with the amino acids, which was compounded with the recent discovery of the existence of the amino acid glycine in deep space through its detection with radio telescopes. these two theory's are what Steven Hawkins advocates. maybe it was a combination of these two phenomena??

  4. Future your right they have been utilised in other therapy’s but that implies the centrifuges they are currently using have been specifically developed for treating mpb or hair growth and nothing could be further from the truth, they were developed for speeding up healing in injury’s and an aid for phsysio therapy and not specifically for treating mpb or hair growth and that’s why I am totally sure that NO scientific thought has gone in to the development of the centrifuges currently being used by hair transplant surgeons in regard to what they are using them for and no scientific thought has gone in to the development of the centrifuges in terms of this specific treatment. It’s a fact the plasma contains high amounts of the hormones dht & t and it’s a fact that centrifuging plasma will concentrate them further still.


    Yeah you’re right men don’t have a menstrual cycle like women, but all mammals including humans have a biological circadian rhythm, where androgen concentrations in blood plasma are high at one point of the day and lower at others. these concentrations are quite pronounced they can be double or treble the concentrations at one point in the day compared to what they are when you go to sleep at night and im sure NONE of these injections have been done at midnight! They have been done at a time of day when the androgens known to kill hair follicles are at their highest concentrations and then they concentrated further still in the centrifuge and injected right in to the place where they will do most harm in terms of hair loss in mpb.


    Future the photo of the green plasma is a good indicator of the hormonal content of plasma, you say it isn’t because the blood plasma in the blood bank has not been centrifuged. I ask you this then, how do you think they removed the red cells from it to then make it into plasma? There is only one way to do this and that is to centrifuge it! The picture of the green plasma IS plasma that has been centrifuged to remove the red cells and that is what it looks like after it’s been centrifuged and ass you can see it still contains hormones. If you wanted to remove those hormones from the plasma using a centrifuge, I guarantee there isn’t a centrifuge in existence that is powerful or fast enough to do it effectively; it would have to be huge and extremely powerful! I estimate it would need around 100000000000000000000g force or more to do it.


    What you say at the end of your post I will say this to, if im not the first to realise this then surgeons have used it for mpb not negligently but deliberately with the knowledge that they are injecting people suffering from mpb with a concentrated form of the exact hormones responsible for the condition of mpb, which could be considered criminal.


    If they didn’t know the hormone content of plasma, then they are guilty of gross negligence.

  5. future there's guys on other sights getting these peptides made up as we speak and experimenting on themselves, they are not waiting for the clearance. they want what happened with the melanotan tanning peptide situation to happen where it was released to press in a mouse model that a peptide called mt and mt2 caused pigmentation of skin (tanning) and it wasn't soon after that was made public people were getting them peps made up and injecting themselves with it and now its all over the Internet and you can get it anywhere, interestingly enough it looks like the same mouse model used for the mt & mt2 experiment that was used for this peptide that made the hair grow in the bald mice! so it looks an accurate model for follicular processes in humans so i would say this peptide looks extremely promising that its going to induce the same effect in humans just like the mt peptides have proven to do.


    your question about life is funny, where did you think the dna & rna came from in the first place before it started to reproduce in cells? or what its made from? do you think rna & dna was present when the planet first formed and it was created in the big bang? or in the first giant stars that went supernova which is where all the heavy elements of matter excluding hydrogen and helium came from? amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are the building blocks of everything biological, you me and everyone.


    in terms of these technical things though yeah maybe xrays would not be a good idea but only really from a radiation point of view in terms of the patient, the digital imaging xray software currently available is capable of forming some very accurate soft tissue imaging, you only have to look at ct scans to see that and im sure you have heard of the new body scanners in airports, it is possible to have quite accurate images through xrays and if you look at the precession of robots that manufacture microprocessors then you will find they are extremely accurate at levels on an nanometer and atomic scale which is outside that of human capability's. so the technology exists to do this, but yeah i wouldn't like to the first person to have my fues taken out by one. but i would if its been proven, take a look at the new lasers in eye corrective surgery, i think in terms of making recipient sights with a robot laser would give total perfection and a level of accuracy unachievable by a human just like the ones in eye surgery.

  6. hey future if its wrong to call out for other members to comment on a thread i was unaware of this, but dont see why its that much of a big deal to do so?? i was only trying to get someones opinion on the subject and dont see whats wrong that, but i will refrain from doing this again now i know its not allowed.


    as for the centrifuge it all depends on molecular weight of the hormones in question and the specific centrifuge procedure and equipment used, molecular weight of hormones would be quite light com-paired to plasma its self and while suspended in plasma and the ""harvest"" system i have seen them using firstly spins the blood fast to separate the red cells from the plasma and then slow for a shorter duration of time where centrifugal force is less where the blood container tips the plasma in to the second compartment and as the platelets are heavy they sink to the bottom, but still a greater percentage of plasma goes into this section of the container than platelets, where it is then mixed together in a syringe for injection. as the hormones are light they would most probably be at highest concentrations at the top and middle of the plasma and this exactly what falls in to the collection compartment and is being injected into peoples head, so yeah im sure whats being injected isn't only platelet rich plasma but dht and testosterone richer plasma and should not be injected in to mpb areas with out an attempt at least to limit its concentration through making the patient take strong high dose 5ar inhibitors at the time the blood is drawn and also having it drawn at a time when bio rhythms of t and dht are at there lowest daily blood concentrations. this is really the least which should be done. i recommend testing each level of plasma for hormones t and dht to confirm where they are in highest concentrations.


    regardless of whether the hormones in plasma are female or male again it depends on molecular weight the plasma in the photo is green from female hormones yes but i think im right by saying males have an equivalent amount of male hormones in blood to what women have for female hormones. they have high estrogen's and derivatives of compared to men and men have high testosterone and derivatives of testosterone's compared to women so the green plasma is a fairly good visual of what testosterone's would look like in plasma if they were visible.

  7. well the fact they started using it and promoting it and charging people for it when it was unproven to have any beneficial effect, in my opinion is totally unethical practice and the fact that it contains an enriched form of the two most scientifically proven hormones to cause hair loss is indefensible gross negligence as well as malpractice if they did not take in to consideration the content or concentration of male hormones in plasma and not try to rectify or reduce it any way by drugs which are freely available to them and that they fully understand! or even take in to account what time of day they made the appointments to draw blood so it was at a time of day when your dht and testosterone were at there lowest, anyone given those injections with out this being done or taken in to account and was not made aware of the dht and testosterone levels of plasma before they had the injections is perfectly entitled to claim compensation and sue them as it is totally indefensible.

  8. the patent on the one that works on mice has got less than 10 years left on patent i think, but i think they are trying to patent some thing to do with it involving these receptors and hair loss. the thing is yeah it takes ages to get through clinical trials and approved, but look whats happened with the melanotan and melanotan 2 peptides that make your skin get a tan and change your hair pigment, they are very similar there's patents on them. they were tested to work in mice and now you can get them on the net pretty much anywhere and they are totally the safest and most beneficial peptides ever created! hey we are made of them amino acids in those peptides they are what life its self was created from. they are a part of us and no one should own them or prevent us access to them, they should be free to all who needs and wants them as and when they want them, look at melanotan forums people wanted them NOW so there was a demand for it and enterprising individuals made it happen NOW and not NEVER which is what would have happened if the bureaucrats and money men got their dirty hands on them and made them partially effective so they can make more money selling you a diluted and more expensive version! them melanotan peptide could save millions of lives each year preventing skin cancer while possibly preventing degenerative brain disorders like alzheimer's and ms and parkinson's from there protective effects, yet they are not available officially! you have to ask why that is. there's more money made from developing a partly effective expensive treatments that you need take an expensive pill for every day, so these things never get to people who can benefit from them. its totally wrong!

  9. its pretty interesting to me that 90 people have looked at this and not one has commented on it, unlike what happened in another thread i started where it was jumped on by all the paid representatives of clinics in the defence of them and their actions and attempting to discredit my comments, why has the same thing not happened on here? hmm could it be that im totally right by saying what i have said in this thread and all of you lot on here are exercising your right of "no comment" for legal reasons?? well i think it must be!


    come on "bill managing publisher" are you telling me that this does not concern you in the slightest and you have nothing to say on this issue?? i have even seen some surgeons injecting this in their own mpb heads on you tube and one of the guys in the other thread you all jumped on came up with the argument that "surgeons are incredibly intelligent" yeah these guys are geniuses i bet they don't have much time because they are all competing with each other on the Mensa web sight.. these guys are really up there with einstein, Micheal Faraday and Leonardo da vinci.

  10. its 10 years too late, i already thought of a robot to do this and wondered why fue surgeons haven't been using a ultra sound/doppler/low level x-ray which would be cheaper than this machine, what i thought of was a robot laser system built in to the same extraction robot like this one seems to be, which precisely makes the thousands of recipient sights with a laser in seconds and gives you a computer illustration of how the hair would grow and in what direction so the patient can choose what sort of hair style they want it to grow in. its a shame really that things like this are coming out just now, they would be perfect in a few years of development and even a crap surgeon could give an amazing result with one of these things. but unfortunately for hair transplant surgeons the two receptors in hair follicles which switches them on and commands them to grow like they did when you were a child before puberty even in the presence of high dht have been discovered, so fingers crossed lets hope these surgeons that have made lots of money over the years disfiguring people legally and being paid for the privilege do not start investing their money in this new finding and turning it into something partially effective and expensive injections you need frequently like what is will be going on at the histogen discovery, makes me sick that these people are having an involvement in the very things that would put them out of business and earn them less money and you have got to ask yourself why that is???? anyway just to let you know peptide antagonist and agonists are the future of hair loss and a 100% cure!!! and peptides and signaling molecules are the future of medicine full stop!!!!! the discovery im taking about some of you may be aware of but im telling you now that both receptors have been found and pharmaceutical company's are currently looking for selective receptor antagonists to bind to them which will activate 100% of your hairs to grow like they once did when you were young!! peptides are the future! the surgeons time is truly over!

  11. i came across the information that plasma is the carrier of sex hormones and discussed this with a friend who worked at a blood bank in the uk, who told me about the green plasma issue from women taking hormones and that where pregnant, injecting this concentrated in centrifuge is crazy for male pattern baldness!!! when i seen the pictures of the green plasma it confirmed visually the amount of hormones contained in plasma!!! the beneficial factors contained in plasma for hair growth if there are any need to be further processed for this to work as it might for mpb!! membrane filters even further centrifuging and isolation of the exact beneficial factors in the plasma for hair growth and maybe even cultivation in of those factors in a medium are what is needed for this to work at any level to grow hair in mpb!!!!!

  12. i hope this palce gives me the fredom of speach to say this to people!!


    Im a scientist, I came across the fact that prp (platelet rich plasma) injections are being used by hair transplant surgeons to treat male pattern baldness, im also suffering hair loss my self and I want my situation fixed! So ive looked in to prp and it took me very little time to come to the conclusion that anyone who injects prp and calls them selves a medially qualified “dr” is potentially committing gross negligence!!!!!!!! If they are injecting this into some one suffering from male pattern baldness!!!!!!!


    Blood plasma is the part of the blood that suspends the sex hormones!!!!!! In terms of male plasma we are talking DHT & TESTOSTERONE!!!! Enriching plasma in a centrifuge will concentrate those sex hormones!!! And DHT, now we all know what DHT does to your hair follicles now don’t we!!!! So do you think its good idea to have concentrated TESTOSERONE & DHT plasma injected in to your male pattern balding areas!!!!! To give you a visual representation of how much hormones are in blood plasma there is an occasional occurrence in blood banks where plasma from donors is green due to components of oestrogen, this occurs in women who give blood that are pregnant or are on the contraceptive pill. Heres a link with a picture of this occurrence and it demonstrates the hormonal concentration of blood plasma

    google "green blood plasma The journal of the American society of anaesthesiologists" for a visual representation of sex hormones in blood plasma

    Green Plasma


    Do not tell me that anyone who calls them selves a doctor does not know this!!! And do not tell me that a doctor does not know about circadian biological rhythms of sex hormone plasma concentrations!!!! So yeah book your appointment with your physician at some time in the afternoon when your 5ar activity is at its greatest so the blood they draw and centrifuge has the highest concentration of TESTOSTERONE & DHT and pay lots of money to have it injected in to your scalp and bind to your hair follicles cells!!! And go bald sooner then you can loose more hair and be sold a strip surgery!!! Any one who calls them selves a doctor who has done this to anyone with out taking blood tests to determine DHT levels in blood plasma in my opinion is negligent and potentially criminal!! The blood should only be taken and centrifuged at a time of day when TESTOSTERNAE & DHT blood concentrations are at there lowest circadian rhythm and only taken from people who are temporarily taking the best and strongest 5ar inhibiting drugs!!!!!!!!!!!! This is without question and should be the very least that is done!! And even then TESTOSTERONE will always be present and T binds to the same receptors!!!


    If prp contains growth factors then and platelets are beneficial for hair loss then T & DHT needs to be completely removed from the plasma!!! Look in to dialysis to see if this can be done!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now!!!!!! If you want prp to work!!!!


    It was extremely worrying when I listened to this radio broad cast and this surgeon was saying if you have got hair then come and get these injections!!! Are you telling me that hair transplant surgeons don’t know that plasma contains the highest concentrations of DHT & TESTOSTERONE!!!! and centrifuging plasma concentrates it even further still?? Yet they want to inject a concentrate of those two known hormones that actually cause mpb in to peoples existing follicles that are already undergoing miniaturisation from DHT & TESTOSTERONE and charge people money for it!!!! under the pretence that its beneficial. Totally inexcusable!!!!!!!


    (promotional link removed)

  13. i think i will try this out on an unsuspecting lab mouse at work and then on myself if all looks good with the mouse! funny this thread has gone all quiet as well! surprised no one has been on ebay trying to buy a centrifuge! coincidently i came up with this hypothesis when i first started to loose my hair in 2008 but was a bit wary of trying it, but now ive seen this thread im more than tempted to give it a go! kind of reminds me of the oil company's trying to commit financial suicide by trying to make a hydrogen car engine that runs on rain water that falls from the sky.... which is something that is never going to happen...

  14. in that interview it says the procedure cost so much because Jason wanted the surgery done by the physician, presumably he meant no techs placing grafts?? right? thats why it cost what it did. but to be honest $10 per graft or more is what ive been quoted for fue at pretty much every where ive enquired.

  15. ive just started mixing zinc citrate with my minoxidil and liquid b6 and a few small drops of molybdenum, i have never had the increased heart beat side effects from minoxidil before until doing this combination, it seems to be putting more blood to my head makes me feel quite alert and awake. just wondered if anyone has tried putting Viagra with their minoxidil im tempted to try it for more blood flow.


  16. heres a tip, sure fue will leave a scar of sorts where you will have hypopigmentation that is visible when you shave your head and especially if you are someone that tans easily and is exposed to sunlight they will be very noticeable! but my tip is this you can look into tattooing the hypo pigmented dots on your head with a natural colour ink or color ink if you are American that will blend in with your skin tone, this will very much reduce the visibility of the scars when your hair is cut short.

  17. also i have an idea you can try for increasing the trans dermal effects of the topical dht blocker previously mentioned in to your scalp that you may want to try, its using one of these rollers that people use for their face to increase collagen which have small needles on them which will deliver the dht blockers in the skin more effectivley.


    Microneedle MTS Skin Roller (0.2mm-2.0 mm), , MTS Roller


    this may not be the perfect example of what im talking about if you search you will find a better one, look for the ones with tiny metal needles.

  18. I am not looking for a lawyer or law firm, by posting those examples I was making a point that you obviously need an explanation to understand.


    Dentists make you sign a waver before having treatment just like ht surgeons, but still law firms exist which specialise in suing dentists after treatments they have carried out, those law firms would not even exist if they didn’t make enough money persuing claims against dentists. So you would presume its an often occurrence with in that industry and some what profitable for them to do so and they will even take on your case no win no fee.


    Now in contrast I challenge anyone to find me just one law firm in the whole world that specialises in pursuing claims against the ht industry on a regular basis’??


    I think you will find that there isn’t even one! So why is this? Is it the fact that the ht industry is perfect? And no mistakes happen and everyone that has a hair transplant is happy?


    well after reading so many story’s on here about things that have gone wrong and people scared for life and totally terrible results that in many cases made them look worse than what they did before the surgery I would say no, there are many many people who are wronged and when they are wronged there’s nothing they can possibly do about it legally! Or it is at least extremely difficult!


    So you’re actually more protected going for dental treatment whether it’s for aesthetics or other reasons but going for a ht theres no one that can help you legally after you have been wronged! So there’s no real incentive for the industry to clean up its act and be brought in to line with an industry like dentistry.


    personally I think if you have a ht and the grafts don’t grow or they grow in a manor that is totally unacceptable with one surgeon or clinic then you go to another surgeon and they are able to some how make your grafts grow and grown in an esthetical manor which is acceptable, then you have a case to argue that it was indeed the first surgeons or clinics incompetence that made your results look so bad or grafts not to grow and the operation was indeed done incorrectly for what ever reason which there are many like the grafts were dissected incorrectly before being placed by their staff or they were removed using fue incompetently, or even they were left ex vivo for to log a period before being implanted and then I would argue were the grafts treated in the proper manor when they were ex vivo, were they refrigerated at the right temperature while dissected ex vivo or were they even refrigerated at all? Im unsure if they do this? But it’s a well known principle in science that any cells removed from the body which are not refrigerated as soon as they become ex vivo stand for a MUCH!!Greater!! Chance of rejection than if the are cooled! As they should be taken down to the lowest survivable temprite dependant on the cell types usually around 4 degrees c which is what transplant organs are stored at when ex vivo, it is a well established scientific principle that if this is not done the chance of a successful implantation is dramatically reduced! We all no blood cells are stored in such a manor that are used for transfusions. From video ive seen of hts it looks like this isn’t even done to any extent! I would be pissed if my ht grafts didn’t grow and then I found out those grafts were not reduced in temperature while ex vivo for prolonged periods like which is the case with extensive hair transplantation.

  19. good advice above! also look in to topical caffeine as a dht blocker and also vit b6 and high dose zinc, you need to take copper also if you supplement with zinc as they interact negatively when either are supplemented alone, there are also a few more ways to block or inhibit dht that im aware of. be aware of the sexual side effects with the drugs though! but also be aware that the earlier you start with that kind of treatment the more lasting the out come will be in a positive way!

  20. musoInOz, if you have personally got a problem with anything written in this thread then don't open it read it and contribute to it! im sure you can execute self restraint in this respect?? and if you can not then what makes you think other people should be denied the freedom to read it and express their opinions just because you have a problem with its content?


    ive opened this thread to raise a concern and have the nature of the concern discussed and debated upon, which is a fundamental right that anyone has in jurisdictions where freedoms of speech and expression are upheld! in fact i believe there are laws regarding this that you may want to look into.



  21. i will add this as well, i dont know how long this sight has been operationg for but does anyone know of anyone that has sucsess fully sued a ht surgion or clinic over that period??


    well in the uk there are and im sure in other parts of the world there are numerous solicitors that make a great living for themselves regularly suing dentists for negligence, here's a few expamples.

    the dental law partnership - solicitors

    Dental Negligence Claim Solicitors UK

    Free legal advice for dental claims, dental complaints & dental negligence 0208 346 1411 Edgar Gordon Dental over treating Dental complaints

    Dental Negligence Claims | Compensation for Dental Negligence | No Win No Fee Dental Negligence Claim

    Dental Negligence Compensation: WithyKing.co.uk*


    now i would love anyone to find me one that specialises in and makes a living in suing ht surgeons????

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