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Posts posted by GGPR

  1. Hey all,

    Thank you for your kind responses. I got cold feet but I'm looking at the idea again and I want to fully research and be done with it this time. Whether I go forward or not, I don't want to be thinking about "what if"; going to get a good answer on if it would work for me or not.

    Growing out a beard as some of you suggested; jury is still out on whether I'll keep it.

    Especially in lockdown, I'm gonna grow my hair out to get a sense of it. I assume in-person consultations are out of the picture for the time being, but going to at least do some online ones. I'm in Western PA and I'm not sure how many great options I have for local consultations; I may have to fly out once this all subsides. For those of you that have had HT, how did you narrow down from my stage (research) to picking surgeons and scheduling consultations?


    I don't notice any thinning on my neck or the sides of my head. It's definitely a "rough sandpaper" feel if I run my hands over it. Whereas the top is noticeably sparser.

    And on the topic of medications, for those that brought them up; I have 0 problem getting on fin and minox again if I go with HT. I only stopped because I didn't notice much effect and was shaving my head anyway.



  2. Hey guys,

    I'm 25, I started losing my hair around 22. I took finasteride and applied liquid minoxidil for a year but didn't see a noticeable slowing of my hair loss. I stopped taking finasteride and shaved my head around 23. Now that I've tried baldness for 2+ years and actually have some money, I'm considering HT and I could really use your help.

    Here's me Oct 2017 right before I shaved.
    Here's the present:
    And here's a month or so ago when I grew my hair out for a week to get a sense of the current pattern:
    It's hard to get a sense with a shaved head, but I'm guessing I'm NW6, at the time of shaving maybe NW5. I see many successful results here, but they seem to mainly be for those that are addressing a receding hairline or temples, not a full Costanza landing strip. Do I have any hope whatsoever? And how do I start finding the doc that can get me the best result?

    I'm pretty frugal in general but I don't want to cheap out on this. I'm willing to pay what will get me a result I'm happy with. I'm US East Coast but willing to travel if, like I said, it gets me the best result.
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