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Posts posted by easternboy

  1. Dear Bosco

    Dr Knudsen was disappoined with the density considering the number of grats....

    Dr martinek charged me nearly $17,000 for 2400 and now wants $13,000 for 1500 grafts. I got a little irriated with her assistant victoria and said why is the cost so much and her reply was that it was because I was having fewer grafts done so the price goes up....

    Dr Knudsen is coming in at around $10,500 for 2000 grafts.

  2. Hello... thank you parable for directing me to this site. I am in sydney & I would really like to hear back from someone who has had a HT done by Dr Knudsen. I hear nice things about him such as he is a nice guy, very caring etc however I would like to know about the quality of his work.

    Just to recap I had 2500 graft done by Dr Martinek over 12 months ago. The result was very thin. I went back to see her about a top up however I was REALLY DISAPPOINTED with our meeting. I was offerred an outrageous price, then I was offerred a 10% discount when I objected and then I was offerred a further reduction as her accountant said I could have a futher price drop... I felt like I was in Bangkok haggeling over a tuk tuk fare. I feel like my initial HT with her was supposed to be a disappointment so that I could go back for a second procedure.

    I have now seen Dr Knudsen and he seems more honest and straight forward. So I would like to get some feedback from anyone who has had a HT done by him. I appreciate any advice.

  3. Thank you for your feedback....I am in Sydney Australia and if if anyone could recommend someone who is GOOD I would much appreciate it. As I mentioned I had Dr Martinek the first time around ..the hair looks good but way to sparse and people comment that it looks like I am thining on top. So basically I am looking for someone who can thicken up what I already have. I still have a month to go before I see Dr Knudsen for the top up but I am hesitant as I do not know of anyone who has had a HT done by him... but I hear positive things about him...Is he the Dr for the job????? OR should I go back to Dr Martinck even though I feel that I got severly ripped off.... she agreed that my result was very thin (2500 grafts)... yet no discount for a poor result...she is very expensive for a top up. The money is not the issue but it leaves a bad taste when you feel that your doctor is soo money focussed.

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