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Posts posted by Musicman74

  1. So I got my hair cut today and was completely open with my stylist.  I told them about my hair transplant and my concern with the scar.  They recommended a 6 guard and that's what I went with.  The scar is completely hidden. The plan is to get my hair cut again in another 2 months and try a 5 guard.  This will give any shock loss I may have more time to heal and I might even start to see some growth in recipient area (crown) by then.

  2. I had my FUT procedure done back in early December of last year and I desperately need a hair cut.  I want to take it down as short as possible as I'm currently in the "ugly ducking" phase where all of my transplanted hair has shed (my baldness is isolated to the crown).  Obviously I want to conceal my FUT scar, any suggestions on a safe clipper size?  I'd like to go down to a number 4 but I have no way of telling how bad the shock loss is around the scar (my hair is pretty long).  Any suggestions?  Should I play it safe and go with a number 5 or 6 clipper size?

  3. I just had my procedure with Dr. Cooley in early December.  My hair loss is isolated only to my crown area and I went with FUT 3100 grafts.  I'm in week 5 and am in the dreaded ugly duckling phase.  I've shed all my implanted grafts about 2 weeks ago and there appears to be some shock loss in the crown area.  My bald spot looks wider than it did before.  Reading though this thread has helped me immensely, waiting is the hardest and most frustrating part.

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