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Posts posted by MrBALDwin

  1. Hey guys,


    Just a quick question.


    Ive been on Rogaine Liquid 5% for 4 months. Intially noticed alot of shedding 1-3 months into the med and all cleared up (with regrowth) around the 4 month mark.


    Switched from the liquid to the foam 5% on 3rd April and started finpecia (generic propecia) on May 5th and have noticed alot of shedding.


    Now is this because i've added a new drug like propecia to my daily rountine or from switching from the liquid to the foam?


    Because i thought the foam and liquid rogaine both had the same active ingredient Minodil.


    Hope you anyone can help?

    many thanks



  2. Hello all, first im not being lazy in "not bothering to get a prescripton" but its complicated.


    Im in the military and have very few precious time at home (as im mostly at sea..Yeaahh!) lol and ive been trying for 6 months to get a subscription for propecia.


    Firstly i am deffiantly thinning out on my crown and my hairline doesnt like my forehead for some reasen. Ive began using regaine (liquid version 5%) and although this is a NIGHTMARE to use...its actually working. I get a few comments of people on how my hair appears thicker. Im probably a Norwood scale 3 and im 22 aswell.


    Anyway im going to switch to the rogaine 5% foam because it looks ALOT easier and im trying to get Propecia without a subscription because i dont want my Medical Officer on my ship to know and because ive broken up for 2 weeks easter leave and probably never have time to get it again.


    So ive found 2 websites.


    This one for the Rogaine Foam (looks legit)



    And this one for the propecia (thinks its fake)




    How can they sell it so CHEAP!!! Look 90 pills x 1 mg for ??28.84. Other websites are selling it for 30 pills for ??30.00. It just doesnt seem right.


    Any thoughts?

    Or anywhere else i could get it without subscription?


    Thanks a million.


    God bless u all!

  3. I first began to notice my thinning in my early twenties. Over the past 2 years it was slowly got thinner and thinner (most noticeably around my crown area). I used regaine for 3 months when i was 21 and just got lazy with the rountine and stopped using it.


    However ive noticed somethink very very alarming. I am now 22 and and the thinning of my hair is taking a gradual stage.


    However i went on leave for a month (from my work) and decided to shave all my hair off. Just got sick off it really. However when it slowly grew back ive noticed a heck of alot shedding. Even worse ive just started using regaine again and after just 3 days im almost completely bold on top!


    I read somewhere its because of shedding when using a hair regrowth product...but this is just after 3 days of using it and its just all came out! lol. Ive been living with my parents for the month and my dad said (just after 3 days using the product).."Son..wheres all your hair gone?" lol!!


    Got back from leave and my mates cannot believe how much hair i have lost!!


    Is this normal?

  4. I first began to notice my thinning in my early twenties. Over the past 2 years it was slowly got thinner and thinner (most noticeably around my crown area). I used regaine for 3 months when i was 21 and just got lazy with the rountine and stopped using it.


    However ive noticed somethink very very alarming. I am now 22 and and the thinning of my hair is taking a gradual stage.


    However i went on leave for a month (from my work) and decided to shave all my hair off. Just got sick off it really. However when it slowly grew back ive noticed a heck of alot shedding. Even worse ive just started using regaine again and after just 3 days im almost completely bold on top!


    I read somewhere its because of shedding when using a hair regrowth product...but this is just after 3 days of using it and its just all came out! lol. Ive been living with my parents for the month and my dad said (just after 3 days using the product).."Son..wheres all your hair gone?" lol!!


    Got back from leave and my mates cannot believe how much hair i have lost!!


    Is this normal?

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