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Posts posted by PathsPatient

  1. Hi WB280,


    I know you are at least a few months behind me. I had my transplant with Doctor Path on the 20th of February last year.


    I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is that we are all different and you are doing right by having faith in our doctor and his team. They are all lovely people and very skilled at what they do.


    I haven't posted any pictures in a few months however I will this week.(Will try to).

    For me, I noticed the hair coming in most around 8-9 months.. I am around 14 months now and I think the biggest difference at moment is the hair is becoming less and less wirey.


    I will hold out hope that your results will mature in the coming months. And if that is not the case, please dont worry too much because you have been taken care of by one of the finest doctors and if you need a second run then that may be the most appropriate action.

  2. Hi Everyone.

    Please don't hold it against me that it's been about 5 months since I have posted pictures..

    A lot has changed between month 5 and 10.

    This is about 4 days shy of my 10 month mark.

    I am very happy with results, and nothing negative to mention other than the hair is still a bit wiry in some places but starting to get more tame. This appears to be a natural process to the post op traumatized hair, and gradually corrects itself.


    I have never had so much confidence before.

    Thank you guys for all the advice and helping me make an informed decision on the doctor.


    PS, I am still taking 1.25mg of Finasteride daily.(Except for yesterday!Was the first time I forgot, no harm in that yeah???)


    Hair Restoration Journal -10 Months Post Op.

  3. Hi there DiggityDoc,


    I don't really post much on here either, I am more of a reader and question asker..

    I am also in entertainment, so I can understand from your perspective what you deal with.


    I am about 7 months post op and it has truly been a wonderful change in my life. When before I would constantly be trying to hide my recession on a regular basis it consumed so much of my life and it inhibited much of my productiveness.


    With that said, I think you will be happy if you choose the right doc as it will make you generally happier all the way around and more importantly confidence has a helping hand in that.

  4. I get worried sometimes thinking about 'what if my hair continues to recede even after the transplant I have had?' But I am happy now. Perhaps later it will backfire. I am 25.

    I had the same recession from 16 years old up until I had my transplant this past year. So I tried to hold off as long as possible. Looking at my father, he just had high temples, so I felt it was a safe decision.


    My old GF was a diffuse thinner.She was only 29 and her hair was very sparse. She said it happened after she had her baby. I believe it was genetic though in her family. She and I used to joke about our hair all the time, we found that comforting I suppose...

  5. Cloudhead,


    I know how you feel.

    Its frustrating. Especially when you have hair, but it takes so much time in the morning trying to hide the vacant corners of the recession.

    I had a VERY similar hairline, until about 5 months ago when my life really changed.

    Its over month 5 and I dont worry or think about it much anymore because I dont have to spend time hiding the recession. I now have hair there. I feel very fortunate to have found a good doctor and had this done while I am young(25).


    I am in process of posting 5 month Post Op pics now, so please look at some of the pictures and you will see how similar our hairlines are/were.

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