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Posts posted by Aser

  1. 1 minute ago, ciaus said:

    Based on the new pics your natural parting line is inboard a bit and to your left, this pic on the left below shows it the best. Your other pics showing some scalp have you moving the hair a bit outside of that line in either direction to highlight all your visible scalp areas, and those are not the kind of spots caused by balding. Nature isn't perfectly symmetrical covering our heads uniformly, those spots are very small and the hairs that border around them all look strong, no creeping thinning like you see with male pattern baldness.

    If you ever do start thinning in the crown and midscalp these will be the places that will show it first and the best. You're fine for now, I'd keep these pics for reference and if you really want to be objective and careful about it maybe take follow up pics every year or two to compare.



    Thank you very much, you really helped me. I'll do as you said.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Do you have baldness in your family? It doesn’t appear balding now, but in my experience you’re questioning it, there’s a strong possibility it’s happening.

    I have one uncle with baldness on my mom's side, another who isn't, no one on my dad's side is bald nor are my grandparents.

  3. 22 minutes ago, 1978matt said:

    Maybe a bit of thinning which most juveniles experience when moving into adulthood.  I recall going from NW1 into NW2 around 15-16 years old, staying NW2-2.5 until early 20s.

    Probably best to consider how older male family members hair has changed over the years, and consider finasteride in a couple of years.

    My father who is 60 doesn't have any form of baldness, my brother who is 30 has thin hair all around his head, I'd also like to ask if this thinning means that I have male pattern baldness or is that normal? Thanks a lot.

  4. I'm 17 and I used to feel a bit of itchiness in my scalp and so, when I'd itch it I'd find somethings that are a bit like sand and white and usually 2 or 3 hairs would also fall off in my hand, after a while I started feeling like those areas are a bit empty. I have curly hair and usually when i brush it I don't really see those spots, the pictures are of my hair while it's unbrushed. Also, 3 years ago i used to take acne medication which damaged my hair, I also used acne ointment called adapalene which I noticed caused hairfall in my right temple





  5. 4 hours ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    I think you hair looks fine based on the photos you sent. You should monitor it every few months, take photos, and compare photos over time to see if there is miniaturization or hair loss. If so, consult your physician to see what your options would be. It's good that you're being proactive at this stage. 

    Will do. Thanks alot for the help

  6. 1 hour ago, 1978matt said:

    Hairline just looks like it's maturing so nothing major to worry about.  Not sure about the patch in the crown though.

    Just keep an eye on it every 6 months or so and if there is any family history of baldness you may want to consider jumping on Fin in a few years.

    As far as I know, I have a few relatives with widow's peak but none of them are actually bald

  7. 1 hour ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    Based on the pictures you've showed, there does indeed appear to be a patch where I can see your scalp around the crown area. But I need better quality photos to assess that. In addition, the hair loss from isotretinoin is usually temporary. How long have you been off the med? I would talk to your doctor to discuss further about that patch. I believe it will grow back over time.

    I've been off the medicine for around 2.5 years but from what I've noticed my hair hasn't completely grown back around the temples.IMG_20191231_015003.thumb.jpg.435f118b2dd8dd498155235a03fec2b4.jpg







  8. I'm 17 and a couple of years ago I was taking medication for acne which included a cream, i used the cream around my temples and some time later i noticed some strong hairloss so I stopped the cream and the medicine. The hair around my temples has regrown a bit but I've recently noticed that there's a spot around the crown of my head, is this a normal whorl or baldness?IMG_20191229_232240.thumb.jpg.61427a47bcbcb76bd35f89ab04a261d4.jpg







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